

  Mr. Smith looks/ seems young very much.史密斯先生看上去很年轻。


  The girl looks like her sister.这女孩和她姐姐长得相像。

  (3)seem后接to do 或用于句型It seems that或There seems to be句型中。如:

  John seems to know much about China.约翰好象很了解中国。

  It seems that they know each other.好象他们彼此很熟悉。

  There seems to be something wrong with my watch.我的手表好象有些毛病。


  6.look for/ find/ find out

  (1)look for 寻找,强调动作。

  I am looking for my pen.我在找钢笔。

  (2)find 找到,强调结果。

  I looked for it everywhere but I couldnt find it.我到处找了可就是找不到它。

  (3)find out 查明真相,弄清缘由,强调经过费时、周折、


  At last the police found out who murdered the old woman.



  7.look/ see/ watch/ notice/read



  Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。

  (2)see 指人肉眼所能涉及的范围,表示结果看见。

  Can you see the word clearly?你能清楚看到这个字了吗?

  固定短语:see a film; see sb. off (给某人送行);let me see.

  (3)watch= look at sb./ sth. carefully仔细观看,注视。

  May I watch TV now?我现在可以看电视吗?

  固定短语:watch TV; on watch(值班、守望);watch a football match  (4)notice注意到,提醒别人注意等意思,汉语中常有通知、启示、告示之意。例如:

  The thief looked around the house.

  When he made sure that no one was noticing him,

  he jumped into the room through the open window.

