



  冠词考查分两个方面,一是冠词的残缺或多余,考生要注意关于含有冠词(不含冠词)的用法以及加冠词与不加冠词的区别,如:in charge of与in the charge of, out of question与out of the question的区别。二是冠词the, a, an(不定冠词和定冠词)之间的相互误用。

  英汉名词确有许多共同点,但是也有不少不同点。英语名词有可数与不可数之分,汉语里没有,且一般情况下,名词都可受到数量词的限制。因此,英语写作中,一旦涉及到advice, news, progress, weather, information等少数常用不可数名词时,学生往往会犯错误。

  不过,在使用英语不可数名词时,又会出现两种情况,一种是绝不可以用a/an或数词来直接修饰,如上述提及的几个名词:另一种情况是,少数不可数名词在被形容词等修饰后,可用a/an等来修饰。如time(时间),rain(雨)。所以我们可以说:We had a wonderful time yesterday. 例如:

  a. The air is the most important thing for our existence.

  b. The driver brought the car to stop. In this way, he avoided an accident.

  c. When sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.


  a. Air is the most important thing for our existence.

  b. The driver brought the car to a stop. In this way, he avoided an accident.

  c. When the sun was setting, he still did not catch any fish.


  代词主要有人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、反身代词、疑问代词、复合疑问代词、指示代词,要注意代词的各人称之间和单复数之间的误用,关系代词 which, that, as之间的误用,关系代词that与疑问代词what之间的误用,关系代词which与关系副词when, where,以及what与how的误用等。例如:

  a. We do not like he.

  b. If you like this books, you can take them away.

  c. His book is different from me.

  d. The population of China is larger than those of Japan.


  a. We do not like him.

  b. If you like these books, you can take them away.

  c. His book is different from mine.

  d. The population of China is larger than that of Japan.

