初三 (上) 3单元测试


初三 (上) 3单元测试

  初三 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)

  Ⅰ. 语音和拼写知识 (20%)

  (A)观察所给单词的读音,从A、B、C、D 中选出其划线部分与所给单词的'划线部分读音相    同的选项,九年级 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)。

  [ ]1. rather   A. later    B. pass    C. fat     D. gate

  [ ]2. drop    A. cold     B. hot     C. carrot   D. front

  [ ]3. pleased  A. visited   B. hoped    C. played   D. needed

  [ ]4. real    A. idea     B. pleasure  C. sea     D. ready

  [ ]5. boxes   A. classes   B. machines  C. ones     D. trees

  (B)以下所给单词均不完整,请从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的字母或字母组合,使其完整与    正确。

  [ ]6. l__ngu__ge  A. a; i  B. a; a  C. i; a  D. i; i

  [ ]7. n__wsp__per  A. e; a  B. o; e  C. e; e  D. o; i

  [ ]8. l__ck__ly   A. o; e  B. o; i  C. u; e  D. u; i

  [ ]9. sc__nce    A. ea   B. ee   C. ie   D. ei

  [ ]10. t__mato__   A. a; s  B. o; s  C. a; es D. o; es

  Ⅱ. 单项填空 (20%)

  从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

  [ ]1. His father ______ him to get up earlier tomorrow.

  A. enjoys  B. says  C. speaks  D. likes

  [ ]2. Would you please ______ me the dictionary?

  A. passed  B. pass  C. to pass  D. passing

  [ ]3. What do you mean by ______ at me ______ that?

  A. smile; as    B. smile; like

  C. smiling; like  D. smiling; as

  [ ]4. Professor Zhang (张教授) gets up early ______.

  A. as before   B. like before

  C. like usual  D. as ago

  [ ]5. When you go out, please don't forget ______ the door.

  A. closing   B. close   C. will close   D. to close

  [ ]6. We all went to the Great Wall ______ Tom. He was ill.

  A. beside   B. besides   C. except   D. with no

  [ ]7. Hands up! Who knows the answers? "Hands up" means ______.

  A. put your hands on the desk B. turn your hands up

  C. raise your hands D. wave (挥动) your hands

  [ ]8. The students from north prefer wheat ______ rice.

  A. to   B. than   C. over   D. on

  [ ]9. I'd like to eat apples, because they are _____ than other fruits(水果).

  A. delicious B. more delicious

  C. deliciouser D. much delicious

  [ ]10. He speaks English better than ______ in his class.

  A. any other student  B. any student

  C. all students     D. the students

  Ⅲ. 完形填空 (20%)


  A 1 boy never went to the market (集市) 2 One day, his father let him 3 to the market to sell shoes made by themselves. When the boy got there with a big bag of shoes, the market was already crowded (拥挤). He found a place, put down the bag and carefully

  watched people 4 . He didn't get home 5 the sun set. "How many pairs of shoes did you 6 today?" "Not a single (单一) pair!" said the boy 7 great sorrow. "What? What did you stay there the whole day 8 ?" shouted his father. " 9 needed shoes, father." said the boy, "I saw everyone have a pair of shoes 10 "

  [ ]1. A. twenty year old  B. twenty-year old

  C. twenty years old  D. twenty-year-old

  [ ]2. A. as usual  B. before  C. ago  D. in front

  [ ]3. A. to go  B. to going  C. go  D. went

  [ ]4. A. coming and going  B. coming and go

  C. come and going   D. to come and go

  [ ]5. A. when  B. after  C. as   D. until

  [ ]6. A. buy  B. bought C. sell  D. sold

  [ ]7. A. has  B. had   C. with  D. on

  [ ]8. A. do   B. did   C. to   D. for

  [ ]9. A. No one    B. Nobody one

  C. Every one  D. Everyone

  [ ]10. A. in  B. for   C. with  D. on

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解 (20%)


  所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,英语试题《九年级 (上) 3单元测试 (B卷)》。

  Thousands of people work in San Francisco in the U.S.A. Many of them live on the other side of the bay (湾). They travel (到) to the city every morning and go back home every afternoon.

  A few years ago, most of the people went to work by boat. After they got off the boat, they took a bus and went to their offices. In the late afternoon, they took a bus to the boats. They spent (花费) a lot of time coming and going.

  The people of San Francisco began to complain (抱怨) about the boats. They are too slow. So they began to use cars to go to work. Soon more and more cars were used, and the roads were getting more and more crowded (拥挤). They couldn't go to work on time by car, either. People began to complain again. Travel by car was becoming too slow, they said.

  [ ]1. San Francisco is a city in ______.

  A. England   B. France   C. Canada   D. America

  [ ]2. Every day thousands of people must go ______ to work and come back home.

  A. a long way   B. a short way

  C. a mile     D. by ship and bus

  [ ]3. On the way home and to offices many people ______.

  A.spent much time  B. spent a little time

  C.took a few times  D. bought some things

  [ ]4. The boats were ______ the people ______.

  A. too fast for; to go back home

  B. too slow for; to go to work

  C. very good for; to travel

  D. very bad for; to get on

  [ ]5. This text tells us that San Francisco was ______.

  A. dirty   B. interesting   C. busy   D. crowded

  Ⅴ. 补全对话。(20%)


  内容提示:可林斯太太邀请怀特先生和温特先生吃早茶,温特是第 一次与可林斯太太见面。他        们在一起享用了一顿十分美 味的糕点早茶。

  White: Sorry, Mrs Collins, we are 1 . This is my friend, Mr Winter.

  Mrs Collins: How do you do, Mr Winter?

  Winter: How do you do, Mrs Collins. It's really very 2 of you to 3 us to tea.

  Mrs Collins: Oh, that's all 4 . .Please have some bread and cake.

  5 you like to have some milk?

  White: 6 you, Mrs Collins. Bread and butter will do. We're not used

  to drinking tea 7 milk.

  Winter: Oh, How 8 the cake is! I 9 it very much.

  Mrs Collins: Thank you for saying so. Please help 10 to cake and tea.

【 初三 (上) 3单元测试 】相关文章:

1.初三 (上) 7单元测试的内容

2.初一 (上)12单元测试 (A卷)


4.英语初三 6单元测试精选


6.九年级 (上) 12单元测试


