

  The Date!

  The Date

  Written by: Babydoll

  "I will take you out for dinner!" Said him.

  Is it a date? To be honest, I don't really know. But, yes, I considered it as our first date, since we had a more than friend situation, having a dinner together would be in term of a Date.

  Gals are always keen on what to wear. Me, too. I always spend long time on picking clothes and shoes, and doing my makeup and hair. That's what a mature woman do, my gay friend used to say that to me. None exception for this day, I spent more than a hour to prepare myself for going out.

  Dress? Too formal for the bar where we might go after the dinner...

  Skirt? I never really like to wear skirt, beside it is kind chill at night...

  Jeans?? Isn't it too informal for that kind elegant restaurant??

  ... Hmm... never mind, I finally picked jeans and kind classical black top. I like to wear simple stuffs. Hey, simple doesnt mean cheap! Elegant is an expression, an elegant lady would look tiptop all the time even in some simple stuffs.

  I pulled my hair back to send the hair bun and a wooden hairpin, simple and classical Asian style, one of my favorite hair styles. Asian women with the hairbun and hairpin are so sexy, my friends always say that. But hairpins are dangerous, it can be very sharp!

  Makeup wouldn't be too hard for me, maybe I am very artistic, or maybe I am just plastic... I don't like to follow the fashion, but my own style. I like to wear different colors of eyeshadows and lipsticks in order to fit my clothes and my mood. Hmmm... this evening, I felt classical and sexy! Silver, gold, and rouge would be perfect. Makeups are women's magic! No wonder nowadays no matter how bleak the economy is, those stuffs have still been hot in the market! We women are the best consumers in this modern world!

  To be or not to be late?

  Hmmm, for the rules of ladies, we suppose to be a little late for the dates all the time! Not to be catchy, just to be a little slippery. I followed the rules to play the game, so that I got to be 5 minutes late, as always ;) I would like to see this gentleman sitting there waiting for me to arrive.

  Booo~~!! I walked behind to him, gave a lil shock!

  He turned to me, smiled: Here you are, kittycat!

  I joined him to the table, he's already got a bottle of beer! Guys guys guys...woooo

  He ordered my favorite food, as it was his somehow as well. It's great to have a similar taste on food, yo know. I guess normally guys wouldn't bear having a dinner with a picky vegetarian chick! I hated to eat with some picky vegetarians myself! When I sat there looking at em chewing mouthful green salad, I would lose my own appetite! Betcha they felt the same when they looked at my stakes! LOLZ!!

  The food was delicious! The conversation during this dinner was relaxing. Nothing involved to emotional affairs though! We were talking about our lives in different places, some funny kinky drunk experience, our project from work and everything. He's quiet, and polite. He wasn't so talktive. It's so typical Northic European though!

  "Tom is actually very sick!" said him, looking straight into my eyes, while saying this!

  "oh, really?" I tried to behave like nothing really effect me by hearing this," what's wrong with him?" Still I asked, guess that's what he led me to...

  "He got some weird infection, his eyes nerves went really bad, he almost got blind. He's been in hospital for almost a month! I heard he's gonna stay for another 4 or 5 months there. and it wouldn't be healed easily, it is said." Said him, still he's staring at my face. I know what he's looking for.

  " Oh, I am sorry to hear it." I behaved like normal, I didn't know if he really could look thgough me, however, I did feel worried or more caring to Tom, my ex fiancee, his best friend!

  Is it insane? I slept wit' my ex's best friend! Yeah, I know that's bad, I was just doing a revenge but it ended up like a mess! I felt my heart has been lost!

  I didn't know how we changed this topic. I guess I behaved totally like a heartless gal. But sometimes ppl pretend to be careless just becasue they do care it too much! I guess my date, he doesnt dare to like me more or to love me, because of all these situations! Certainly dating best friend's ex isn't funny! At least not as fun as sleeping with the best friend's ex right next door of the best mate's hotel room! Puff... Drama, drama!!!

  Anyway I made him a big treat for this date! We went on to a bar for more drinks and our friends in town were there for a party. The rest of night was more like a social night! We drank, we played some drinking games, we talked as harmless drunk talking shit! And he left early because he gotta get up early for work!

  I finally got pissed, and came home like even I dunno when it was. I aint no surprised that I had a terrible hangover the next day, while my PC got crushed for no reason! What a date! I gotta say! More alike, this is leading us to the middle of nowhere!

  "Send my greetings to Tom," I wrote this line on my email to him," please visit him for me when you arrive Oslo!"

  He is on the way there now! And I know he will read my email today!
