


  Duanwu Festival (端午节, Duānwū ié) is a traditinal Chinese festival held n the fifth da f the fifth nth f the Chinese calendar. It is als nwn as the Duble Fifth.[citatin needed] It has since been celebrated, in varius was, in ther parts f East Asia as well. In the West, it's cnl nwn as Dragn Bat Festival.

  Tda, peple eat bab-wrapped steaed glutinus rice duplings called zngzi (the fd riginall intended t feed the fish) and race dragn bats in er f Qu's draatic death.

  One f the st ppular are t cerate Qu uan said. It is said that 278 BC, the Qin Chu t brea. Quuan see their cuntr invaded,含恨have vted Milu River Stne died after the death f Qu uan, Chu abnral grief peple, this da each ear have flced t the river ban t pa Qu uan, in Ma f each ear s there will be a dragn-bat race, tzu eat, drin hsiunghuang wine, the cust f hanging wrwd. Dragn-bat race has ne f the st characteristics, it vied with ne anther in intense scenes lie Quuan strng patritic spirit, lie thusands f ears has been an inspiratin t us.

  Since this prfund cultural bacgrund, s the Dragn Bat Festival has nw bece ur ar traditinal Chinese festivals. Tda she still has great vitalit, in Deqing us ever da, ever husehld n the dr will hang calaus, wrwd, is said t be evil spirits isfrtunes. Failies and ultiatel, natural tzu pacage, it shws a thic scent f bab tzu, the children are ur favrites, dates brwn, ha, brwn, brwn beans ... ... a uth-watering fd des! Se places, peple will wear a , girls in rder t ae this clrful accessries, fragrance Madada bth, perhaps re beautiful theselves, waling in the street naturall attracted a lt f bs wh linger ees.Looking at the broad and profound Chinese culture, let us have more reason to be proud of Chinese culture!





