


  I have watched avie, which naed “The Pursuit f Happiness”. I have t adit that this is avie excite peple's ind.


  It is a real str. The fil is abut happiness. Chris was an rdinar salespersn. He wentut t sell his scanner ever da. He was hard enugh, but alst nbd thughtthe scanner was useful fr hi r her. Nbd bught it.


  Chris had a wifeand a sn. The need ne t live. Hwever, at that tie, Chris culd nt givehis wife an ideal life. Therefre, his wife chse t leave hi. This adeChris’s life wrse. Hwever, in the end, he still had his wn insistence andeffrts t get the success. I adire hi ver uch.


  After this vie,I thught a lt. What is happiness? Hw can we get happiness? In ees, neis nt the st iprtant. The st iprtant is the fail. As lng as thefail tgether, n atter where, n atter what tie, we are happ.


  In additin,happiness depends n neself. If u feel happ, u are happ. N atter whatther peple thin f u, as lng as u d happ.


  In the end, I hpeeverne can find his r her wn happiness. Let the whle wrld is full fhappiness!

