



  In the Spring Festival of 2020, the sky is gray and drizzled. It seems that the sky knows that people are suffering and leaving tears. The novel coronavirus suddenly erupted, which made people feel at a loss. My father told me, "I can't go out to play," and my mother cancelled my long-awaited vacation trip.

  From TV, I know that this virus makes many people sick. Every day, I watched the number of confirmed cases continue to rise, especially sad and nervous. It's sad that so many people are infected with the virus and have to be hospitalized. They can't spend the Spring Festival with their families. And the virus is human to human, close contact will have more people infected, so the cinema closed, the hotel closed, the mall closed, the bustling Spring Festival has become a lonely. What I'm nervous about is, will I be infected, will my family be infected, will doctors and nurses in the hospital be infected, or even life-threatening?

  After the outbreak of the epidemic, we are united, stick to our posts, and quietly contribute our strength. Scientists are urgently developing virus antibodies in the laboratory; many brave doctors and nurses in the hospital, regardless of their families and lives, guard and take care of the patients day and night; when they see their relatives embracing and saying goodbye, when they take off the mask, their faces are pressed with red marks, my tears can't help but flow down; workers in the factory We are working all night to make medicine and masks; the cleaners are disinfecting and cleaning in the corner of the city

  I also want to contribute my strength. I listened to my parents' words and stayed at home obediently to protect myself. I often washed my hands with hand sanitizer. The time should not be too short. At least I need to finish singing a little star. When I sneeze, I need to cover my mouth and nose with paper towels. I need to eat more fruits and vegetables, supplement nutrition and drink more water every day.

  I believe that as long as we work together, we will have a safe, healthy, full of laughter in the year of the rat, come on!


  In 2020, this is a special spring festival. Without the colorful fireworks, the busy street, the joy and smile of family reunion

  This is the new novel coronavirus to cause trouble, let a batch of medical staff to rush to the front line, so that they can not reunite with their families, so that students can not learn, so that adults can not go to class.

  This time, the virus is very powerful, and the number of confirmed cases has reached more than 80000. But even so, medical staff are not afraid. They fought day and night to save the patients. When they were tired, they rested against the wall for a while. Their clothes were sweaty one after another.

  Doctors, uncles and aunts told us that staying at home, not going out is also a fight against the virus, wash hands frequently, and wear masks when going out. I firmly believe that with the joint efforts of all of you, we can win this "war". Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, angel in white!


  This winter vacation should have been a happy one, but some unexpected guests disturb our life. Novel coronavirus, which is the casual visitor? During the holiday, it was also the one that people talked about more. It was the one that was reported most by the major media. It was originally on animals, but because some people like to eat wild animals, it came to us.

  I also heard that this virus is very powerful. Now it is adapting to the human body. It is constantly changing in the human body. It is difficult to cure if you suffer from this virus. Although the virus is very powerful, the honorable angels in white and some researchers are fighting against the abominable virus in the front line. Yes, not only the angels in white and the scientific researchers, but also some police, security and sanitation workers. They also stick to their posts day and night to protect us from the spread of those hateful viruses. We must defeat them!

  Of course, when we live at home, we should also learn to protect ourselves and how to prevent it. By watching news and taking online classes, I summed up the common sense of virus prevention into the following points: 1. No clustering, no clustering. 2. No contact with animals. 3. Not close to others. 4. Try not to go out. If you have to go out, you must wear a mask. 5. Do not touch animals. 6. Food should be cooked before eating. 7. Open windows frequently and absorb more fresh air. 8. Exercise frequently to improve immunity. 9. Wash hands before and after meals. 10. Pay attention to work and rest time, go to bed early and get up early. 11. Drink more water. Eight glasses of water is best every day.

  Students, sunshine always after the wind and rain, in this last moment before dawn, we have to work hard together, together refueling! Finally, let's call together: China refueling! China will win!










