



  "Bells! Bells! Bell! " When the alarm goes off, I jump out of bed happily, because today's tutor is going to take me to the famous amusement park, Lilliputian country, located in Longtan Township. As soon as I got on the bus, there was a little mosquito buzzing in my ear, but I thought it was cheering for my happy journey. On the freeway, cars whistling from south to North seemed to smile at me. In anticipation, I finally arrived at today's destination - Lilliputian.


  First, I took a small train to the facilities area of Lilliputian amusement park. Among the numerous facilities, my favorite one is "boom". My boom boat slowly rose to the 10th floor, and I began to regret why I had to sit up. In an instant, I would dive down with the boat quickly, and stir up a huge wave, which was like a big basin of water pouring directly from my head, making my whole body wet. Then I knew why everyone loved this terrible and tense facility. There is also the "roller coaster". I started to start shortly after I sat on it. I started to move forward smoothly. At first, I didn't think it was exciting, but soon it began to accelerate. It rocked left and right, swung right and left at once, which made me feel that my neck was about to be split. After sitting down, my legs are soft. I'm scared to death! There is also an amusement facility called "crazy rapids". I sat on a rubber boat and was attacked by water flowers, which made my clothes, pants and shoes all wet and drenched. It's really fun to be cool in the heat.


  After playing, I entered the fantasy world of Tinker - the story room. The Doraemon, Daxiong, panghu, Xiaofu and Jingxiang in the little Tinker cartoon appeared vividly in front of me. There are many interesting and novel Doraemon props, which are all presented in the story room one by one, which makes me very happy. In addition, I went to enjoy the folk performance. The exquisite performance of the performers on the stage, their soft body and elegant movements, made me stare and admire.


  It's fascinating and unforgettable to enjoy the amusement facilities to relieve the pressure and enjoy the rare thrill between crazy rotation, diving and ups and downs. No wonder the amusement park is one of our children's favorite places.









