

  Like Facebook and Twitter, ByteDance is also battling fake news and inappropriate content. ByteDance promises to add thousands more employees to review the content on Douyin.

  1.What makes ByteDance so special?

  A. Its app challenges similar companies’ rule in Western world.

  B. It invented the social media app initially in the world.

  C. It is the biggest artificial intelligence company on the earth.

  D. It has controlled Facebook, Twitter and Snap.

  2.Why is Douyin so popular?

  A. It is a new generation hi-tech product.

  B. It has both home and overseas version.

  C. It is easy and totally free to operate online.

  D. It meets the demand of people individually.

  3.How does ByteDance make a profit?

  A. By charging the users. B. By charging the advertisement.

  C. By forcing the users to donate. D. By selling its artificial intelligence.

  4.What can be the best title for the text?

  A. Douyin, a Popular App

  B. ByteDance, a Successful Company

  C. Facebook Together with Douyin Is Batting Fake News

  D. Twitter Is Helping Douyin Attract More Advertising Money

  The dangers of drowsy(昏昏欲睡) driving have been widely known. Now several companies have developed face-tracking technology that can tell when drivers become dangerously sleepy.

  Here is how it might work. A camera in your car monitors your facial expression, compares it to a database of expressions and determines if you are likely sleepy or distracted. The car then alerts you to pay attention or pull over.

  Affectiva has developed emotion recognition technology that aims to detect when people are just starting to get tired. The idea is to catch the warning signs before drowsiness really strikes. “Actually, when someone is drowsy, that is too late.” Gabi, vice president of Affectiva said. “What if you can see trends in someone’s face about five minutes before they become sleepy?” Affectiva’s program can recognize seven different emotions and 15 facial expressions. Its standards were developed by sifting (筛选) through a database of 4 million faces from 75 countries, said Zijderveld. She suggested that carmakers could coordinate (协调)the program’s facial recognition data with oral reminders, such as sound warnings, or (nonverbal)alerts, like a change of temperature and vibrations (continuous slight shaking movements).

  Eyeris is another company working in facial analytics. Modar Alaoui, the company’s CEO, said that its software detects “eye openness” in addition to other facial indicators. The software can also read head position, which may indicate when someone begins to nod off.

  These technologies aren’t the first attempt to fight drowsiness behind the wheel. Inventors came up with the similar device “sleeper beeper” to prevent sleep in cars back in 1983. The sleeper beeper was attached to a driver’s ear and would issue a noisy warning when the driver’s head nodded past a certain point. But the latest software would intervene (干涉) earlier and more effectively.

  1.The camera in the car can determine if a driver is ________.

  A. cold-blooded B. near-sighted

  C. bad-tempered D. absent-minded

  2.When will drivers be reminded to pay attention or pull over by the face-tracking technology?

  A. When they are just beginning to get tired.

  B. Five minutes after they become sleepy.

  C. When they are really tired.

  D. When they are drowsy.

  3.It is most likely that the “sleeper beeper” would send out a warning by ________.

  A. shaking slightly B. making noise

  C. flashing brilliantly D. changing temperature

  4.What is the main idea of the text?

  A. The dangers of drowsy driving have been widely known.

  B. Inventors have tried out the similar device “sleeper beeper”.

  C. Several companies have found some ways to fight drowisness behind the wheel.

  D. Face-tracking technology for drowsy driving has been developed by several companies.


  I think it is safe to say that happiness is the king of emotions. Everyone wants to talk about how to get it, ways to prolong it and the benefits associated with it. Not surprisingly, negative emotions are considered to be bad. 1. But bad feelings can be a valuable way to arouse you to take action. In fact, they can be a surprising source of personal growth by doing the following things.

  ● Recognize what you are feeling.? There are going to be times when the negative emotions are just temporary. 2. However, if it happens on a frequent basis, your mind is trying to tell you something and you need to handle it.

  ●3. Once you recognize the negative emotion you are feeling, you need to understand just what is behind it. The trouble is that often the cause of your bad feelings might be hard to see. Is it your home life, work, friends, unrealized dreams or various other frustrations? Take your time figuring it out and get to the root of what is causing the negative emotion.

  ● Take correct action. In some cases, it might be easy. If someone consistently makes you angry, you can just avoid them. In many other cases, you might need to take even bolder(大胆的) action. 4. Hopefully you have a different opinion on negative emotions now. They are not things designed to only make your life miserable. 5.

  A. Understand the causes.

  B. Action is the real cause of pain.

  C. Acknowledge your true feelings.

  D. They are to be avoided at all costs.

  E. What they really are is a signal for change.

  F. Everyone feels a little down every once in a while.

  G. An example of that would be ending a failing marriage or quitting your job.


  It started four years ago. My wife would see a ______ man near where she worked. It was the week before Christmas and she said she wanted to purchase a new coat for him because his coat was ______. We don’t have a lot of ______. We are really a step away from being homeless in rags most months but we try to ______ when we can.

  We talked and found a way to get some money together to ______ him a coat. I ______ that since we were giving a coat to him, we should look at what else he might ______. We decided to fill a ______ with some useful ______ things—a toothbrush, soap, clothes, a hat, gloves and some food. A small gift and Christmas card was put in it as well.

  We haven’t had money to exchange ______ for birthdays or Christmas for many years, too. It feels wonderful to have someone ______ you at Christmas but I’ve always been a little ________ when friends ask “What did you get for Christmas?” It always makes my wife feel bad that she can’t ______ to give me anything and I feel the same. So I would ______ and say she bought me this thing or that. But that year we could say we ______ something to others instead and that’s ________ what happened.
