



  Dear classmates:

  Now everybody advocates protecting the earth, protect our homes, so let us also start to act, with our wisdom, use our hands to protect the earth together, save natural resources. The following is my Suggestions.

  The first point: the use of paper

  1, will not run out of paper in old exercise books bound, do the draft

  2, save paper, write a draft paper full, not just write a few words just throw it away.

  3, try to save paper, toilet paper and paper napkin, use a handkerchief instead of just replace with a handkerchief.

  4, in the waste paper practice writing brush calligraphy and painting traditional Chinese painting.

  The second point: the use of water saving

  1, can be used but relatively clean water flush the toilet, clean the floor or water the flowers.

  2, water intermittent can turn off the faucet, avoid unnecessary waste.

  3, a small amount of clothes to wash, avoid washing machines wash with plenty of water.

  4, to turn off the tap at any time, do people also being stopped.

  The third point, electricity saving use of resources

  1, no one or no necessary, do not turn on the light, do not use air conditioning.

  2, after leaving the room to turn off the lights.

  3, the same room, don't have to open two lights.

  4, try to use energy-efficient light bulbs, save some energy.

  Fourth: gasoline saving use, to reduce atmospheric pollution

  1, can take a bus to and from school, to work, don't have car shuttle.

  Very close to 2, to handle affairs, just walk or go by bike.

  3, driving less as far as possible, can save resources, reduce air pollution.


  Dear principal:

  How do you do? Thank you in spite of being very busy toglance take time to see this proposal. I am a student of our school class 1 grade 6. I thank teacher to me in six years the leadership of the school education training. As he will leave his Alma mater, I want to leave a little advice, even a little contribution to his Alma mater.

  The school teaching building on the east of the disused cement pool, when it rains, there is always a lot of water. When other still better, once in summer, autumn, the water fall into many leaves, the leaves become humus fostered plenty of those. Classroom nearest pool, five and six grade class of forty minutes, don't know what time, my classmates was bitten by a mosquito. This is some of tinea mosquitoes, marking,  during the day being bitten place, it always take a good big very big package, very itchy. This pool belongs to our class two, grade six students clean. But the leaves in the clean the pool is very trouble, every Monday afternoon the students of grade six clean together, also want to use a class of time. So, I would suggest this pool earth fill, plant flowers and plants. In this way, not only beautify the environment and reduce the students cleaning the hard, not kill two birds with one stone?

  For Alma mater, a better tomorrow, please you to accept my advice!









