圣诞节英语作文Christmas Day


  Remember every December, I always took mom and dad's hand and asked, mom and dad, Santa Claus will come this year?

  Will, will, he will put the present on you of that smelly socks, Christmas will see as soon as you wake up!

  I want a car, I want the Ottoman and ice-sugar gourd!

  Well, there are! Santa Claus will satisfy you. Mother always says so.

  Then, with a hidden desire, quietly waiting for the Santa Claus gift. On Christmas Eve that day evening, mother came to my bed, said to me, as long as my darling sleep, Santa Claus will come for my gifts. Then, the mother would say: ok, darling, darling to sleep. Mother put your dirty clothes to wash, clean tomorrow. Christmas day opened his sleepy eyes, will see a small socks hanging in my bed, it looks heavy. That containing all kinds of gifts, although not the same every year, but is in line with my desire.

  Every time I received a Christmas present, always found with all kinds of labels on it. I'm sure that is Santa Claus, know what I like, go to the store to buy me.







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