



  Today is on June 8th, the fifth lunar month, is the "Dragon Boat Festival". Speaking of "Dragon Boat Festival", I also know that it has several other names! Such as "DuanYangJie", "big" and "poet's day". Do you know the origin of them? Let me tell you. Because on this day, married daughter to come back to visit his parents named "dolls"; "Poet's day", of course, is to commemorate the patriotic poet qu yuan, now know that, right?

  In the morning, I have eaten my breakfast, mom and grandma took me out to play. Along the way, I go ahead, skipping a few laughs, not to mention how happy. Somehow, I found that there're so many people on the street today, they all bought the branches in his hand. I'm surprised to ask a mother, but also found the mom and grandma's hand was holding a bundle of sticks, hurriedly rushed over to ask: "mother branches do you buy?! Delicious!" Mother said with a smile: "silly child, this is' YiZhi. YiZhi can drive mosquitoes and flies, still can ward off evil spirits! We put YiZhi hung on the door of his home, on the window, is not very good?" I nodded.

  At noon, the food in our house has a big and sweet, in addition to home cooking, there are beautiful triangle zongzi, eggs and duck eggs, haunting aromas. I immediately picked up a large rice dumplings, peeling leaves and ate with relish white glutinous rice, it's delicious!

  Grandpa told me, the Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings is to commemorate the patriotic poet qu yuan's patriotic spirit and noble personality. Actually this I already know, hee hee...

  The Dragon Boat Festival is happy, true interesting! And you can learn knowledge, enrich their knowledge. The Dragon Boat Festival, how nice!







  My favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival! During the Dragon Boat Festival can pack seeds and watch dragon boat racing!

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival! My mother and I got up early on seed packet together. The table again see dry river leaves, glutinous rice seeds and package material. We start to package. Material on the river leaves first, and then just wrapped up, and then tied with dry grass seeds, seed was good package! At first I always bad, mother said: "the child is not good for a start, as long as you can to package will pack good." Package while I ask a mother: "mom why the Dragon Boat Festival to package seed?" Mother said: "since ancient times there is a fairy to report to the jade emperor every day things in the world. One day the fairy report the things of the world, the jade emperor don't listen to him, he dropped his position. The gods decided to jump into Huang Heli, people in order to commemorate him do some sticky rice to fish to eat in the Dragon Boat Festival hope don't eat the immortal. Sticky rice is called a seed, so the Dragon Boat Festival to seed packet." In a short time I was wrapped dumplings. Xiao-he composition nets

  We finished eating seeds to the pearl river to watch dragon boat racing. The pearl river cross-straits people mountain people sea, very busy. I found a good place to see the dragon boat racing. Only see a dragon boat across river in quickly. I took a fancy to a dragon boat, the in the mind think: "you are quick to swim ah, swim fast!"

  Happy Dragon Boat Festival is over.













