

  This morning my father took me to a big square to learn how to ride a bike.To begin with,I was too afraid to have a try."Don't be a coward.Have a try,and you'll find it easy." Father encouraged me.Therefore,I got on the bike carefully.Father held the bike for me.l rode unsteadily,and soon became very tired.But I went on riding after a short rest.Fortunately,two hours later,I could ride the bike by myself.I was so delightful that l fell off and hurt my leg suddenly.I couldn't help crying.But Father said,“It doesn't matter.Failure is the mother of success." Sweating all over,I continued to ride with my hurt leg.Eventually,I could ride with the help of my Father and my effort.l felt very happy because I not only learned the skill of riding a bike,but also learned some truth:Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.


  今天上午,我随爸爸来到一个大广场学骑自行车。一开始,我很害怕,不敢骑。爸爸鼓励我说:“别害怕,试试吧,试了就知道不难了。”我小心翼翼地上了车,同时爸爸为我扶着车,一开始我骑得很不稳,很快就感觉到累了,但是休息片刻我仍继续尝试,很幸运的是两个小时之后我就能自己骑了。我太兴奋了,突然我从车上摔了下来,腿也受伤了,我忍不住哭了起来。 但爸爸说:“没关系,失败乃成功之母嘛。”我浑身汗淋淋的`,坚持用受伤的腿使劲蹬车,最后在爸爸的鼓励和自己的努力下学会了。我真是大高兴了,因为我不但学会了骑车,还懂得了一个道理:世上无难事,只怕有心人。
