




  We are young people in the new era. We shoulder the mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. -- inscription

  One hundred years ago, the progressive youth of China could no longer bear the aggression of the great powers against China. On May 4, 1919, in Beijing, they carried out the patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism in various forms, such as demonstrations, petitions and strikes, known as the May 4th movement. The origin of the May 4th movement is Peking University, the top university in China's higher education, which has cultivated generations of young people with ideals and aspirations.

  After the May 4th movement, China's revolutionary movement has undergone essential changes: from the old democratic revolution to the new democratic revolution. General Secretary Xi said at the Conference Commemorating the centenary of the May 4th Movement: "before and after the May 4th movement, a group of advanced intellectuals and revolutionary youth in China spread new ideas and culture in the pursuit of truth, bravely broke the shackles of feudal thought, and violently impacted the old feudal ethics, old morality, old ideas and old culture for thousands of years. The May 4th movement changed the situation of the struggle of the people who were only conscious revolutionaries but lacked awakening in the past, and realized the first comprehensive awakening of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation since the Opium War. After the baptism of the May 4th movement, more and more advanced Chinese elements gathered under the banner of Marxism. In 1921, the Communist Party of China announced its formal establishment, which opened a new page in Chinese history. " It can be seen that the May 4th Movement has an encouraging effect on Chinese youth.

  Once upon a time, the land of China was in a mess of beacon fire, and the people could not live, which made the saints sad and the wicked happy. Fortunately, the Communist Party saved the country and the people, revived China. Now, with the spring breeze of reform, the order and speed of economic development coexisting, and the intelligent artificial intelligence, China's space station is about to become the only space station on orbit Every one of them has its achievements today because of the close unity of the youth around the Communist Party. General Secretary Xi warned us: "youth is the future of the nation; youth with lofty aspirations can stimulate their potential to advance; youth should keep their newborn calves fearless of tigers, be more vigorous and courageous, stand up to the tide of the times, and strive to be the pioneer of the times." "We look forward to a better future for the younger generation," the Secretary said We are the rising sun, we are the new bud, we are the winners of the world. For the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the peace and harmony of the whole world, our youth should work hard, arouse their fighting spirit, and bring their vitality to every corner of the earth. The sun and the moon will shine for us! Youth is dedicated to the party, building a new era. We remember the martyrs of the May 4th movement. The chant of the Martyrs: "patriotic, progressive, democratic and scientific" is still in our ears. We are dancing the trend of the times. The roaring voice of the trend: "striving for the cause of communism" will sing the strongest voice of the times.

  As the successor of communism, I have reason to believe that as long as we unite around the party, study hard and work hard, we can be spirited, and we can become a vigorous force driving the Chinese nation to accelerate towards great rejuvenation!


  Some people say that youth are a song, echoed the cheerful, beautiful melody; Some people say that youth is a draw, engraved with the rich, romantic colors.

  80 years ago, in order to expel darkness for light, for an independent homeland and the rich and powerful, a group of high-spirited youth with blood and lives to write the song the most magnificent song of youth, drawn on a most magnificent picture of the youth.

  Today, "54" Sports as a glorious page has been included in the annals of the Chinese nation. However, "54" is much more than just a historical case, it is a spirit, to show young people of our nation fiery love for the future and destiny of the country concerned about the performance of duty and mission of young people.

  Today, we had the honor of this generation of young people living in the reform and opening up a good time, had the honor of standing at the meeting point of century and millennium on. We are fortunate. Facing the new century, our responsibility. Recalling our carry forward the "54" the spirit of thinking seriously, and they should have a kind of youth, what kind of life. Recall that the initial start Know "54" is a history lesson from the primary and secondary schools.


  Boys and girls, do you remember this historic day on May 4, 1919? Remember tiananmen square before the party more than 3000 students in Beijing? Remember "fire zhaojialou community, beating ZhangZongXiang" scene? On May 4, 90 years ago a group of extremely excited deeply touched, Beijing students chanted "to punish kleptocratic inside outside our sovereignty," "article 21 cancel traitors" "back to the Qingdao" slogans such as "refused to sign the contract", held a huge demonstrations.

  This is a profound great patriotic movement, thought liberation movement and new culture movement. Our ancestors used their youth, their passion wrote a heroic piece of music, in history left a part of a pen. On this day, were identified as the May 4th youth day. Another youth day, we stand here, to celebrate our youth. We had the privilege of living in an era of peace, an age of happiness. Here we have the most beautiful youth. Youth is wonderful, youth is short. She may be just a post of your life, but even if she like fleeting meteor, we also try to let her become a brilliant flashes, light our life. Not afraid of hardship, dare to struggle, than the sky. Youth is not regret, once read in a book a depicts the story took place in the years of youth, and how many people in doubts

  We should not let the youth regret.

  If you want to the youth without regret, you must learn to grasp today. Youth poetry:

  The youth blossom flowers, let me tired but I do not regret.

  The four seasons of rain snow flying, but let my memories and gaunt.

  How many yesterday is past, tomorrow's out of reach, only seize today can calmly look back at the past, confident hope in the future.

  In high school, is an important milestone in our life. We know that the wind and rain will make us strong, setbacks can make we don't become strong. Mature thought and noble quality, from the baptism of wind and rain and life of hone, we have to brave in the face of mountain, and enjoy the beautiful sceneryof the summit, facing the future, for the glory of life, so as to reflect the value of life, the meaning of life, rushes out their own piece of heaven and earth.

  The college entrance examination will be one of the biggest turning point in our life. But we will accept. Because we will all savings strength to meet the challenge of it. Because we will grasp every today, our youth without regret.

  High school is also the most cherished. Our high school, young, high-spirited. We cherish and love, cherish affection, life step solid every step for the future. We hold every minute in life, experience the wonderful life, build up our strength, for only one day to spread your wings and fly, fly higher and further the sky.

  Youth is a beautiful song, how many stories was born in the song, eventually interweave memorable melodies. Youth not eternal, but can not regret.









