




  A new virus broke out in our county during the Spring Festival. What is it? The novel coronavirus is the name of the new virus.


  Let's not look down on him. He is even worse than the previous SARS.


  We also need to pay attention to it at ordinary times, especially for our students. We need to wear masks at ordinary times, because if you wear masks repeatedly, the virus may be adsorbed on the masks. We must also wear masks correctly. When wearing masks, don't touch the inside of the masks with your hands. Just take the masks with both hands and put them on your ears.


  Although I don't like wearing masks very much, in order to ensure safety, I must go out and wear masks. We must pay attention to it, wash our hands and change masks frequently, and ventilate the room frequently to make the air in our house flow better and fresher, and there will be no virus infection when we breathe.


  Although novel coronavirus has been introduced this Spring Festival, it has not been bustling in the past. However, we hope that our angels in white will make great efforts to treat patients and let people suffering from the virus get rid of the pain of the virus early.



  This is the novel coronavirus, once again faced by the Chinese people. Only 17 years have passed since the last SARS outbreak in 2003, just at the time of the Spring Festival.


  The novel coronavirus is a new type of coronavirus which has not been found in humans.


  If the patient's initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, dry cough, and gradually dyspnea and other manifestations, severe respiratory distress or sepsis shock, or even death, it is currently considered that the disease is mainly transmitted through droplets and contact, and no specific treatment method and virus vaccine has been found.


  The cause of the disease was due to eating a wild Chinese chrysanthemum head bat and civet cat. Human beings are at the top of the food chain, but not all things can be eaten. The traceability analysis results point to the South China seafood market in Wuhan.


  The form of the virus may be severe. Coronavirus belongs to RHA virus, which has strong variability. At present, the epidemic situation is in the early and middle stage, and virus variation and super patients may appear in the future, which will enhance the difficulty of prevention and control.


  This is a serious crisis. As human beings, shouldn't we reflect on it? If the epidemic cannot be controlled, where will human beings go? If we take good care of ourselves, we will not be greedy for game?


  Don't overindulge in our victory over nature. For every such victory, nature retaliates against us.


  I hope that the people of the whole country will join hands in fighting this crisis and stay at home and not run around. Wuhan xiaocute, don't be afraid. With the motherland, we can definitely get through this crisis. Many medical staff have given up the chance to go to the front line of the epidemic field with their families. We should believe them more!


  Come on Wuhan, come on angel in white, come on China, may the beauty of the world be connected with you.



  Novel coronavirus infection is the most popular day in January 24th. But in response to the new outbreak of coronavirus infection, there are still a large number of medical staff taking the initiative to fight against the epidemic.


  They have the spirit of iron and steel, and the dedication of the family to everyone. They burn themselves like candles to light up the whole land of China. When we are reunited, we should think that some soldiers are still on the front line of the motherland and make their own contribution to the peace and stability of the motherland.


  This Spring Festival, they are busier and more arduous than ever before. The novel coronavirus infected pneumonia harbour evil designs, and they are the first warriors to guard their lives. They take the sick man from the devil's hands, and escort him all the way, racing with death at the speed of death. What they hand over is life, what they guard is the doctor's promise to the patient.


  The novel coronavirus pneumonia has ignited war against us this Spring Festival, but we must not be afraid.



  This year is a special spring festival, our family stay at home every day, because the Wuhan people eat wild animals, got the new pneumonia.


  This kind of pneumonia spreads very fast. It can spread a kind of coronavirus by breathing. It's the king of the virus, so it's very powerful. This virus can make people sick immediately. They need to go to the hospital and be separated from others. Otherwise, others will get this kind of pneumonia.


  It has spread all over the country. We have it in Hangzhou, Shanghai, and even in America, which is far away from us.


  I think human beings should treat wild animals well, not eat them, let them live in their own homes, with their families, so that wild animals will be very happy, and we humans will be more happy and healthy.


  Dear children and students, let's take action and tell our families to love wild animals, that is to love ourselves.









