



  Time is like the merciless water. In an instant, the year of gengzi mouse is coming. Novel coronavirus infection is the whole nation's joyous moment, but the infection of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus has touched the hearts of the whole nation. Under the epidemic, there is love. In the process of epidemic prevention and control, countless selfless and fearless heroes have emerged, which are worthy of our pride and pride.


  One of the most impressive shows in the Spring Festival Gala is "love is a bridge". Although the preparation time of this program is very short, it has not caught up with the formal rehearsal. It is because of the urgency of time that people all over the country are determined to fight the epidemic. In the camera, when we saw a reporter interviewing a female nurse, she said that although she would be worried and frightened, she had to play a good role in her white gown. The dinner on New Year's Eve, and one family novel coronavirus, when a family gathered around the table to eat the new year's Eve dinner, and watched the Spring Festival Gala, a group of white angels gave up their family reunion. They arrived in Wuhan on New Year's Eve. They approached the sick side and fought doggedly with the new coronavirus.


  In order to prevent and control the epidemic, the whole people have to rest. He once suggested not to go to Wuhan without special circumstances, but at the age of 84, he went to the forefront of epidemic prevention in Wuhan without hesitation. He is Professor Zhong Nanshan. In order to stop the spread of the disease, academician Zhong Nanshan is always busy. When referring to Wuhan, he firmly said that Wuhan is a heroic city, which shocked me. In the face of the epidemic, not only professor Zhongnanshan, but also more people are involved in the fight without gunsmoke. There are public security, military and medical staff, who are all day and night to protect our safety and health. It's their selfless dedication and silent devotion that make us feel that the disaster is not so terrible. At the same time, all walks of life have also taken action, some working overtime, some donating money, some on duty, some transporting materials. While we praise these heroes, we should also do our own things well. Wash hands frequently, go out less, wear masks when going out, go to places with more people as little as possible, and pay attention to food. I believe that we can win the battle.


  As long as we are all of one mind, there will be no mountains that can't be turned over and no ridges that can't be crossed. I believe that with the joint efforts of countless heroes, the epidemic can be controlled as soon as possible.


  Come on, Wuhan! Refueling China.



  The Spring Festival in 2020 should have been a time for family happiness and friends to visit each other. The sudden attack of novel coronavirus pneumonia has led to the death of some people. Some people are treated in hospitals, others stay at home, and try to avoid contact with outsiders. For a time, the whole country, the wind and the noise, all soldiers.


  However, in this very period, there are a group of people, who charge in front, silently contribute, brave and kind. They are the angels in white who, regardless of their own lives, rescue the patients, the policemen who have been holding on to their posts, as well as the caring people all over the country, who know that the danger is ahead, still do not look back. Each of them deserves our respect, because they are all blooming flowers of kindness.


  In the news, I saw those medical staff wearing heavy protective clothing. In order to treat patients, to race against time, to fight against disease, they could not eat or drink for four or five hours, go to the toilet, or rest. The protective clothing covered their faces with sweat and scars. In order to save patients, they risked their lives and rushed to Wuhan from all over the country. They parted with their families and fought against the virus. Because of the strong infectivity of the virus, some medical staff were accidentally infected. What do you think of the people who destroy the ecological environment and prey on wild animals? Are you not moved by the scene in front of you? Don't you feel ashamed?


  People all over the world are trying their best to fight against the virus. Professor Zhong Nanshan, 84, gave up his annual leave and went to Wuhan to take command. Although no cure has been found, he is still fighting day and night in the front line of scientific research. There is also the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, who has a terminal illness and his wife is infected with the virus. However, he has been fighting for more than 30 days in the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. Some factories work overtime day and night to produce urgently needed medical supplies. Overseas Chinese and caring people at home have donated money and materials to help Wuhan. Not only that, but also many volunteers Send masks, disinfectants, vegetables and other urgently needed supplies, drive to the epidemic area of Wuhan, and some take away boys, for the sake of everyone's eating problems, run back and forth at the risk of being infected. There are so many people like this!


  Isn't the kindness of these people worth learning? I want to learn from them and become a kind person.
