




  When I was a child, I used to ask my mother innocently, "which day is spring?" , was ignorant to a leftover plum nuclear plant, hope to be able to "harvest" million words plum, once very laughably ask mom, what is called "the wanderer", what is the "chunhui", where can I buy... These have become my childhood fun.

  Now, learning is getting more and more stressful, and remembering these little things can still bring a lot of happiness, of course, and more of a surprise. Math class, I can say is the thought is agile, score, what they have learned in the sixth grade, volume, surface area is the new knowledge, institutions, fraction, the relationship between the parts, sometimes, my mother is not necessarily the turn around too to, however, Chen math class every day the teacher's questions, I could always answer up; In English class, no matter how difficult the tenses, no matter how difficult the phrase, as long as the teacher mentioned, I can say the answer without hesitation; In the Chinese language class, whenever Mr. Zang asked any question, my answer always satisfied her most. Remember once, she asked us "lines" on the Yangtze river, the other students can only say "solitary sail far shadow blue sky, only see the Yangtze river the sky flow", I speak fluently "fell under the wood rustling, endless endless Yangtze river flowing"... My deskmate even said I was a walking dictionary.

  What makes me different from the original? Is knowledge. Six years of primary school, I study the accumulation, numerous knowledge, they education I, Shared with me, they make me become a learned, educated people, they let I learned to respect their teachers and classmates, they accompanied with me day by day grow up. When you travel in the ocean of knowledge, you will feel very happy.


  Lost a friend, she and I are so good, remember when we said that we should be good friends, and heaven and earth. Instead, she got to know some people who were not three or four, and I would not join them, only gradually moving away from her. It was true that her friendship with me was real, I don't know. Ever since we broke up, she has had little to do with me, even when I didn't exist or was a joke. So I began to hate her, and I could use the word "guts" to describe it, and I wanted her to disappear from my eyes immediately. Now, we're really running away from the town, and I don't know where it is. Often think of something about her, I also laugh, in those days we are so naive, but friendship is just a hypocritical pronoun verbally, I don't have a friendship with her, may be the mood, the grumbling to each other, perhaps her because my excellent grades and close to me. But it doesn't matter. I don't care now.

  I'm beginning to understand that people are better at losing and losing. Life is a maze, once in the erroneous zone, want to find a breakthrough also becomes a difficult task, in order to avoid hit a wall, bore tip, the best method is for a bright and cheerful disposition optimistic attitude to face the gain and loss. After all, gain and loss only in a moment, the loss of another explanation can be said to be obtained, the key depends on what you get.


  Listening to the radio station's sensational music, the mood also with the time, like the ebb and flow of the tide. Inadvertently triggered some childhood memories, also added some fantasy color.

  When I was a child, I always liked to sit at home alone, hoping that my grandmother would come home from work. I had been with my grandmother since I was a child, and my parents abandoned me for a younger brother. Sometimes the injustice of god, if I am a man, my parents will not go away.

  When the sun sets, the sky and earth pull down a dark curtain, and the more I want to see my grandmother go home, the more I think of some bad ideas, and not even grandma abandoned me? What happened to grandma? My nervous mood relaxed when I saw the stumbling grandmother picking up a dustpan. Maybe you'll ask me why? This is a kind of be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of mental state, I can't stand things lost will never don't come back, but the years so cruel let me unprepared, it took too many precious things, it may have to cancel my memory. No, I won't let it do that. The heart thinks so, but I can do something. Sometimes the middle of the night was a nightmare, I'll get up frantic, even cry, may be the psychological burden, I always dare not face some of the challenges of life, I only retreat, although I know it is very weak.


  The world is wood, knowledge is also wood, wooden phase drill, there is a universal fire; The world is fire, knowledge is fire, fire and fire intersect, even water cannot stop; The world is water, knowledge is water, water and water are melted, and then there is the widest sea.

  Knowledge has changed my character. "Bao jianfeng from grinding out, plum blossom from the bitter cold", and whenever I recite the poem, that lazy mood is swept away. My will is always not strong enough, I will give up when I encounter difficulties, and I can't stick to the end, but go has changed me. Learning to play go, I have seen countless go masters in the past and present, they can always persevere regardless of the difficulty of playing chess. Gu li has been sticking to the career of weiqi throughout his life. He often said, "it's ok to win or lose, as long as you can stick to the winner!" Edison said, "no matter what happens, no matter what happens, I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged." Madame Curie said: "we should have perseverance, especially confidence! We must believe that our gifts are meant to do something. So, I became persistent to the end of me.

  Knowledge changed my attitude and taught me to treat everything seriously and responsibly. Knowledge changed my behavior, so that I could learn to help others and help others. Knowledge changed my mind and made me different...

  Whether past, present or future, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow, will never stop its steps of knowledge, it forever in Chinese reading, in the mathematical calculation, in English reading......

  It's all about knowledge that changed me!


  "Knowledge changes fate, habits make life." The vast ocean of knowledge is full of my memories of the past. The inscription is my reverie about the future, it makes me grow, it makes me smile. You taught me how to be grateful, you taught me how to be a man. A thousand words say: "knowledge doctor, thank you."

  "The bed is bright moonlight, suspicion is ground frost. Look at the bright moon and bend down to the hometown. And the poem of this fast - burning population is expected to be deeply remembered by the poets. However, I want to thank the knowledge to bring me the emotional sublimation, it changed me, made me an excellent middle school student... The destiny is in the hands of oneself, the key is to depend on oneself how to grasp. Maybe every little action in your life is changing you and watching you.

  Some people say that the fifteen-year-old sky is tender and charming. It is not only the potential knowledge that is brought to me by the doctor of knowledge, but also the new concept which brings me new life principles. It has written for me the music of youth, it opens the window of wisdom for me. It always inspires me and changes me... I really appreciate it.

  "Softly I go, just as I come gently." Nine-year obligation education is coming to an end, but our knowledge will not stop. "All roads lead to Rome" every life experience, every time the speech of life, will be in the notebook of knowledge in weaving fine paintings, maybe I am not a strongman of knowledge, but I am a vast knowledge of the ocean, I can with my progress, my struggle, create a new piece of the sky!

  Ah! It was knowledge that changed me, nurtured me, boiled me...


  When I came into the world, I didn't know anything.

  When I was a child, my father and mother began to teach me how to read. And gradually I knew a lot of words, and I knew a lot of pictures. Later my father and mother told me that those words and paintings are knowledge.

  One day this summer, the sun was scorching, because of the sudden temperature rise, so my father and mother were going to grandma's house to install an air conditioner for grandma. When I passed the east plaza of xi 'an railway station, I saw the courteous greetings from the flight attendants and the simple smile of the driver, leaving a deep impression on every passenger.

  All this, I see in the eyes, remember in the heart. I think: "mom and dad to install air conditioning for grandma is filial piety old filial piety; The enthusiastic service of flight attendants is the embodiment of good social fashion. Everything, I think, is the function of knowledge.

  Knowledge changed me, knowledge changed people around me.


  The world is wood, knowledge is also wood, wooden phase drill, there is a universal fire; The world is fire, knowledge is fire, fire and fire intersect, even water cannot stop; The world is water, knowledge is water, water and water are melted, and then there is the widest sea.

  Knowledge changed my attitude and taught me to treat everything with a serious and responsible attitude. Knowledge has changed my behavior, and I have learned to be strict with myself and forgive others. Knowledge changed my mind and made me different.

  Whether past, present or future, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow, will never stop its steps of knowledge, it forever in Chinese reading, in the mathematical calculation, speak in English, in physical reasoning, in political thinking, remembered in the history, experience in geography, exploring in the biological...

  Whether in the past, present or future, knowledge will change me forever, whether yesterday, today or tomorrow.


  As the saying goes, "the mountain is not high, but the water is not deep." In other words, "people don't look good in appearance, they have knowledge."

  In the past, I had little knowledge, and I could not answer the questions asked by the teacher, while the other students spoke actively. I stood up and said nothing when the teacher was so stupefied. During the class, the teacher asked me why I didn't answer the question. I said, "because I can't." Teacher comfort I said: "won't it doesn't matter, as long as there is a desire to do better, to go home to see books, your knowledge will be multiplied, the teacher ask you questions, won't you won't be a problem." After listening to the teacher's instruction, I nodded and agreed. When I got home, I followed the teacher's instructions. One day, two days... I read a few books every day. Soon, my knowledge was really broadened, and in one exam, knowledge changed my good grades in composition. The teacher also encouraged me to say: "your knowledge became widely, and the teacher is very proud of you, but, you must constantly to reading, accumulate more knowledge, make a greater contribution to society."

  From this, I know a truth: a book is read a hundred times, its meaning is seen. Students, knowledge is not finished, just as the saying goes, "there is no royal road to learning, there is no royal road to learning." let us work together.





4.知识改变了我 作文

5.知识改变了我 学生作文



