



英语作文 篇1

  Last week, my classmates and I went to the school near the place where we participated in a volunteer labor.We had a park at nine o'clock. After dividing into 3 groups, we started to work.

  Each group has its own task. Group of a tree planting plants and flowers. The second group picked up trash left by visitors and cleared the bench. My group wipes all the equipment in the children's playground. We all work hard.

  About 11:30 last night, we completed the work. Although we are tired, we are very happy. This is a meaningful day for us because we have done something good.

英语作文 篇2

  Learning English in a New Environment

  I was a little shy about talking to people when I first arrived in America,but I had a strong desire to broaden my horizons and meet new people.Once I gathered the courage to start conversations with people,I found how easy it was to make new friends.

  Every day,I heard enough new English expressions to make my head spin.I found that when I was honest and asked about the meanings of unfamiliar expressions ,Americans were very helpful and took pains to explain them to me .

  Native speakers of English tend to speak very fast,and at first I was just stunned and looked at them with a dazed expression on my face.I solved that problem by asking people to speak more slowly .

  broaden 开阔,拓宽

  horizon 眼界,视野

  courage 勇气

  spin 晕头转向

  take pains to explain 煞费苦心地解释

  tend to speak 倾向于说

  stunned 惊愕地

  dazed 茫然地





英语作文 篇3

  City and Country Life

  Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms。 People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual。 Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is a convention of city life to curb one's curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers。 Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors。 Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas。

  都市生活截然不同的生活在乡村和农场。 大城市人更注意尊重个人隐私。 有时这种感觉似乎是无动于衷,但城市生活公约限制自己的人生大事,好奇的陌生人。 村民和农民有可能出现极大的兴趣所有邻居。 光明年轻人机会更多的城市,有希望不断寻求从农场和村庄的大都市地区。

英语作文 篇4

  it is important for everyone to keep good eyesight. but do you know how to protect your eyesight?

  first, dont keep your eyes working for a long time. youd better have a rest by looking in the long distance after you have studied an hour or so.

  second, pay attention to the following: dont read in the sun or in a poor light; dont read in bed or in a moving bus. and when you read you should keep the book away from your eyes for about a foot.

  and third, do eye-eercises every day. it will also help you keep good eyesight.

  if you obey the rules above, i think, you may prevent your eyesight from becoming short-sighted.

英语作文 篇5

  As it has come to be known,there's an increasing number of family in China that has an only one child since the inception of the family planning policy.It's no doubt that children enjoy more love and care than before。However, more attention should bepay to the phnomeno that some of them get used to depending on their parents which cause the lack of independence.

  To educate them to be independent,some effective metnods are adviced for their parents.Foremost,parents should help the child establish an independent consciousness from childhood.By telling stores or playing games,parents can affect the development of their character indrectly.Childhood education is of great significance to the formation of independence.In addition,as a famous going says,Knowledge comes from practice.Only by offering more chance for children to face the world individually can they broaden their horizon and learn to find the right position in the society.Last but not least,parents should provide some advice and assistance when their children are in some trouble that they can not conquer by themselves.

  Personally speaking,it's parents that playing an essential role in children's growth. I strongly believe that parent should help their children be independent by instructing them in a proper way rather than planning and considering everything for them.

英语作文 篇6

  When it comes to the standard of good figure, people have the stereotype, i.e., the slimmer, the better. Just open a fashion magazine, all the super-models are skinny. It seems that only a thin person can look good in a fine dress. So, more and more people, especially young girls, are joining the team of losing weight. However, I think losing weight blindly can lead to negative effects.


  On one hand, losing weight blindly can cause eating disorder, low blood sugar and anxiety. Some girls are already in good shape, but they pay too much attention to their outwards appearance and spare no efforts to lose weight. In order to reach this goal, the young girls leave out breakfast; eat a little rice and some fruit at lunch, as to the supper, just few cabbage leaves and several bottles of water. They all forget that human’s body needs enough energy so it can function well. However, these young girls fail to realize this. They refuse to take meats or any other so-called gain-weight food. As a result, their bodies had suffered contortion due to malnutrition. Accord to the research, the person who loses weight improper is more easily getting fracture than others. What’s more, losing weight takes courage and determination. Not every losing weight girl has a strong will. You may hear her say that she wants to lose weight, and later you will see her eating junk-food because she is too hungry. Some of the girls eat nothing in the morning while take lots of food in the afternoon. Such behaviors can lead to eating-disorder. It’s really unwise to do so.


  On the other hand, doing physical exercise and eating a healthy diet is a wise way to lose weight. Eat three meals a day. Leave out the junk food, such as chocolates, bread which contain trans-fat, soft drinks, and so on. Try to eat more fruit and vegetables. Eating meat is not the main factor of gaining weight, but eating more.


  Do not follow the trend blindly. You don’t need to suffer from your peers’ pressure just because they tell you that the thinner, the better. But one thing is true, healthy is the beauty.



1.my hometown英语作文(汇总)








