



英语作文 篇1

  man can imitate things in nature and make new things to help us improve our living conditions, i want to explain the meaning of conquer, lu ban. on the basis of one kind of grass. living harmoniously with nature is the goal and we can make itmen can conquer nature

  many people say that nature', material and so on, but tame it. radar is used widely in military affairs, the famous artisan of our contry, make tools and so forth. with saw we can out off many hard things. take radar and saw for instance, radar is made on the basis that bat can identify object by searching ultrasonic we. i don's force is irresistible, but i think that man can conquer nature;t mean to defeat and control nature, invent saw;s shape. it can ascertain object.

英语作文 篇2

  When we open the tv, we may find that there are all kinds of commercial ads, most are about the women’s skin care products. the manufacturers find the great potential commercial opportunity in women’s skin care products, indeed, girls are paying special attention to their skins, chinese girls want to main their skin white. white skin is symbol of nobility, so girls want to keep their skin white and smooth, they are willing to spend a lot of money on the skin care products. but they must keep an eye on products, some products are fakes, they are imitating the brands, if the customers don’t take care, they will be taken in. skin care is important for the girls, but they must take care of the products.

英语作文 篇3

  Summer accompanied by heat came to earth. Summer weather is capricious and puzzling. Just sunny, sunny, and soon after the dark clouds, then the wind whistling, heavy rain poured, thunder and lightning. Rain hit the window, issued a "answer" sound, the rain down the window down, as if the kindergarten children to write the word, crooked. Dry earth mouth open mouth, enjoy the natural sucking the natural nectar. Flowers lifted tender and beautiful face, painfully washed his face. The summer rain is getting faster and going too fast. After the storm more fresh air, people forget the trouble and sorrow. The sky was washed and was so thorough blue. The dark clouds of the air were replaced by white clouds, and the sun father did not hesitate to reveal his red glowing face. Grass body also hanging crystal dew, in the sun's exposure, reflecting the colorful light.

  夏天伴着酷热来到了人间. 夏天的天气反复无常,令人琢磨不透.刚刚还是艳阳高照,风和日丽,不一会儿就乌云满天,随后狂风呼啸,大雨倾盆,雷电交加.雨打在窗户上,发出"答答"的响声,雨水顺着窗户向下流去,仿佛是幼儿园的小朋友写的字,歪歪斜斜的.干裂的大地张着嘴,尽情地吮吸这大自然的.琼浆.花儿抬起娇艳的脸蛋,痛痛快快地洗了把脸. 夏天的雨来得快,去得也快.风雨过后的空气更加清新,让人忘记了烦恼与忧愁.天空也被洗濯过了,是那么透彻的蓝色.空中的乌云又被白云所替代,太阳公公毫不吝啬的把自己红彤彤的脸蛋露了出来.小草的身上还挂着晶莹的露珠,在阳光的照射下,折射出五彩的光芒.

英语作文 篇4


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Body-building. You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:









  In recent years, more and more people spare no pains to join in the body-building group. People begin to take part in various fitness clubs or fitness centers in their spare time. This shows body-building has become an indispensable part of many people’s life.

  Why are so many people keen on body-building? Firstly, keeping health is one of their main purposes. In modern society, many people stay for most of the day before the desk without doing any exercises, which definitely harms their health. Body-building caters to the need of these people who come to realize the potential danger of their working pattern. Secondly, body-building is beneficial for people to keep their body shape. Many setting-up exercises like aerobics are very helpful in cutting up weight. Besides, body-building is a good way by which people can release pressure.

  As far as I am concerned, the popularity of body-building will be a long-time trend. It shows people begin to pay more and more attention to life quality. As a fashionable, healthy lifestyle, body-building will attract more and more people.

英语作文 篇5

  My favourite book is Britons’ best book. Do you like reading books? I like to read very much. And what’s your favourite book? Let’s have a look at the favourite book for British kids.

  The name of this book is The Story of Tracy Beaker. This book is very popular in UK. The book is about the story of Tracy. Tracy’s mother is an actress. She is very busy. So Tracy lives in a children’s home. I like this book because I think Tracy is a smart and naughty girl. But sometimes she becomes angry easily. It reminds me that I was very naughty when I was a little girl. At that time, I was lonely because my parents were very busy with their jobs and no one could play with me. When I went to school, I lived in our school. I had a lot of friends and I had a wonderful life at school, but I missed my parents a lot, too. Tracy writes a book about her life.

  It has many bright and funny stories. I really like to read it.

  my favourite book

英语作文 篇6

  I have many dream . I hope I have a candy house . But the candys can’t make my teeth Because I can eat many candys. Than I live in the sweet world .

  I hope I have foods , but they can’t. Than I can help people . They will not hungry .

  I hope I have drug . Own sickness can make good . Then there is no sickness in the world .

  I hope there is not bad people in the world .

  I hope the animal and plant can be friend with people on this world .

  And the people can’t confused fell the trees , can’t confused kill the animals .

  I hope that there isn’t discrimination everywhere . I hope we will have a nice and equal world.

  I hope there ist’t war in the world.

英语作文 篇7

  I am studying at No .11 Middle school,and my school will hold the Autum Sport's Meeting.Last Sport's Meeting I was a winner of high-jump.

  I usually do sports like doing exercises in the morning, eyes exercises and playing kinds of ball games after class.I like playing basketball,and I think the sport is good for health, so I want to do a lot of sports every day.

英语作文 篇8


  During the May Day holiday, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai。 We were lucky that it was fine that day and we were able to see the 。

  At 4:30 in the morning we were already,on the top, waiting for the sun to rise。First a bit of pale ray appeared in the east, then it became brighter and brighter。 An orange top of a cap rose little by little from the sea。 Suddenly, the sun sprang out of the seawater, looking like a large elliptic ball, and the sky in the east became red。 Later, the sun was hidden behind a piece of cloud。 When it appeared again, the sun changed from red to bright red, then to golden。 AS it rose it became silvery white and shone out。 The light was so strong that we couldt look at it directly。At that time,the whole mountain was in the golden sunlight。










6.我爱英语 英语作文



9.英语作文 怎样学习英语
