


  For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitle Population Burden . You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.







  Population Burden

  Many countries will experience aging populations in the next century because of declining birth and mortality rates. China will soon join their ranks.

  As for the issue of aging, its situation has been growing increasingly severe in spite of the fact most people are still ignorant of the problems it brings about. Firstly, with families becoming smaller and living pace escalating, it is even graver for families to care for aged members adequately. Secondly, aging causes a relative decline in working force in that fewer people have to support the increasing aged people. Consequently, the productivity of the whole society is affected to some extent. Thirdly and most importantly, the aging of population in China resulted from the successful implementation of family planning has not been synchronized with national economic progress.

  The rapidity of the population's aging has made it more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. No doubt they key is to build a solid economic foundation. Meanwhile, importance shall be attached to overall social progress by changing the backward situation in social security, welfare and service. What's more, family care and community services shall also be encouraged.


  aging population 老年人口

  birth rate 出生率

  mortality rate 死亡率

  ignorant of 不知道 不懂

  graver 更严重的

  adequately 充分地

  productivity 生产力

  implementation 执行

  family planning 计划生育

  rapidity 速度 在这用rapidity比speed 好~

  countermeasure 对策

  solid economic foundation 稳固的经济基础

  Population old age人口老龄化

  Population burden人口负担

  Old age social security老年社会保障

  Sustainable development可持续发展

