



  No matter how the days are spent, no matter how the sun rises, the day falls, no matter how the flowers bloom and fade, the growth is coming. We could hardly feel it, but it came after all.

  On the road to growth, there are many successes, laughs, how many failures, sadness, and many difficulties and obstacles. At last, we are 12 years old, 12 years of holiness and purity.

  Looking back on the past, we had all the good things in our childhood, carefree, free and easy. Now, with the youth of our hands, every day the work, like mountains, like pressure on the shoulders, pressure people breathless.

  This is my worry.


  Well, I'm really upset about my name. My name is Juba, and I eat 10 cages of steamed buns every meal. Although I ate a lot, I was cheerful. Our house is 5 feet high. I'm sorry to hear that.

  Once, the school held a contest, I got the first, when the school to get my name called "Juba", a piece of laughter, some people said: "day Peng commander-in-chief pig?" I really hate there is a hole in the ground shall not, drilling. Later, the headmaster said, "please respect your classmates."!"

  Since then, the school students all know me, every time I go to school on the road, met the school students, they say: "is the pig eight quit?""

  Oh, how can I get rid of my name's troubles?


  My joy and trouble are like good friends, accompanied by me and shadow every day. My joy comes from reading, and my trouble is from reading.

  Books, like magnets, have an endless attraction for me. Once I picked up the book, I was reluctant to put it down. I was afraid it would fly away if I let it go. Because reading, make my knowledge increase: from astronomy to geography, as far as the history, near to the news I have heard about; because reading, makes reading ability and speed of the rapid increase of I: a Book of more than 600 pages a day, I put it to bite after. In the ocean of books, I have absorbed the inexhaustible knowledge, nutrition, and gained the incomparable happiness and satisfaction.

  Unfortunately, reading a lot of books also brings me a lot of trouble. Because I often read books into a fan, they call me, I can't hear; sometimes others I forget things. I remember once, after dinner, I sat in front of my desk and was preparing to do my homework. When I suddenly saw a Chinese history story on the table, I could not help holding out my hand. I want to take a look at my work So I just turned it up. Who knows this, I was deeply attracted to the story of striking one snag after another....... Suddenly, "bang!"!" My book was snatched away, and my mother didn't know when she stood behind me and stared at me angrily. I look at the clock, the clock has be frightened and change color, to nine points......

  Later, I thought for a long time. I think: reading is important, but in life, just reading is not enough. Later, I will restrain myself, only in the right time and occasions to read books, reading the troubles caused by inappropriate reading into the greatest happiness!


  Every day, I go home after school homework, not like the other students to play happily, or do what they love, but raced to the black eye studio to do eye exercises. About 1 hours of eye exercises done, had come home soon at half past seven in the morning, see a book would go to sleep. Every day this trouble is dead.

  Why can I myopia? So I used to watch TV or hit a computer when I was home. Also, do not pay attention to eye hygiene. For example, reading in a very dim light, reading for a long time did not allow the eyes to rest....... So the eyesight is getting worse day by day, so I have to do eye exercises.

  After more than two months of eyes, with my usual addition to Saturday, the day without watching TV and playing computer games, my eyesight is getting better.

  It's boring to do eye exercises every day, but after I persist, my eyesight is much better than before, and I feel very happy again. I'm sure I'll keep it up.


  Bored to death, bored to death, is really bad, my troubles composition. Dad, every time I smoke, I'm bored to death! Dad, don't smoke. You can't stand it any more. You are the thick smoke like a bomb like, touch it will blow smashed to pieces. You fire a bomb like a thick smoke, you will not smoke, smoke anyway, there is no benefit, no smoke can save money two good for everyone, three can make new air lunged, let the air pollution become dejected and despondent away, don't let it come to harm you, six "I worry about the primary school grade composition composition". What do you think is the benefit of your non smoking?! But you just don't listen to other people's advice. After a bag and a package, anyway, continuous smoke, other people have no money, do not smoke, but you have no money, but also to the mother for money, one is dozens of blocks. There is also a worry, that is, every morning, your people have gone far, and also called not wake up, hit, but also do not wake up, noisy and noisy. Like a log, fell there, forever and ever. Even after waking up, it takes at least ten minutes to get out of bed and half an hour to get dressed. Give people a feeling of lethargy. If you can correct these two shortcomings, I will not hang a troubled face, smiling face every day, happy little face.


  I'm a middle school student. I’m upset these days because of my parents. They pay too much attention to my study. I have to report my test results to them every time. If I get good grades they will be happy and satisfied. But if not they will be worried about me, especially my mom. I never want to let her down, but she has made a plan for my future. I am very disgusted with it. I don't know what to do. I know they really love me. I also know knowledge is important for everybody. However, I can't stand they are always making me study. I'm really expected they can understand me.


  Everyone has troubles, it said Debu false.

  At school, I would happily like a little angel, but sometimes because of some classmates to tears.

  At home, harsh mother nagging in my ear all day, not to ask me to do this examination paper, that is, asked me to do that in this exercise.

  With the passage of time, to go from a one-year primary school students into a sixth-grade students. Those troubles is like an appointment with the like, and the waves hit me.

  "Fang Fang! How can you not do their homework?" Mom stood before me, yelling. The sharp eyes stare at me. I expected something happened. I was silent for children, the brain are searching for an escape excuse. "Fang Fang, you hear!" Mom cried again, raising his voice. Suddenly I suddenly flash, with your eyes a bit inclined wall clock, Xipixiaolian's said: "It is now 9:30, and the bed, and morrow supplemented it." My mother a few lips twitch slightly, jumped out a few words to : "I do not care tonight you have to fill, plus one." I listened to this a heavy additional work, not help spit the tongue. Frustration

  Remove the pen had made up.

  I looked at a photo desk goes on, I think of friends together, happy hour, smile a cry: " 'Little Angel' is not happy today, yo!" Originally, I was a happy bird, and now like a locked up in cage of pigeons, I hope one day I can out of "cage" in the blue sky free to fly.


  My troubles always was coming out one after the other。 Such as too much homework or parents remain homework, there 。

  Take  last Sunday, for example! After lunch, I went homework, I just finished writing and want to take a break, can my mother found my mother to see me finish the job, it took two papers from the living room so I do。 I is just about Shengelanyao, mother come runnin from the living room, less than three seconds, the mother took the examination paper was placed in front of me。 I saw them, this is not to be alive I'm exhausted it? However, the mother said they can not not do it, I had to bite the bullet and do it。 I finished the papers, and my father has come holding a book in English。 I guess that is certainly what should I read English it! Sure enough, the father of English books to my desk a place, let me read, I reluctantly Yiyi Ya Ya read。 As for reading, what I do not know。

  365 days a year, I really had enough homework torture, nor would rather have so much homework。
