

  Mention environmental protection, seems to be far away from us, but it is always around us. This problem does not allow to ignore environmental pollution. In our daily life often can see the phenomenon of damage the environment.

  Remember once, when I take the bus, accidentally saw a small factory continuously into a nearby river discharge some red sewage, meal time, the river was dyed red. I thought to myself, such an environment, the river fish, shrimp and other animal can survive? The water quality, and if we drink will be sick, and even death. Like this for the environmental pollution caused by industrial production are not uncommon, should arouse the attention of the authorities.

  But maybe someone said: "I have no sewage exhaust fumes, the place where I live is very good also, protect the environment has nothing to do with me." In fact, we in the life, often damage the environment, we use every day a lot of plastic bags, paper towels, items such as batteries, waste a lot of water and electricity resources, that virtually all the damage the environment. We constantly, these factors led to the ozone layer of the temperature rising around the world, if one day, the polar ice to melt, the sea will rise over the world, some coastal cities will be submerged. Guangdong province and local nature also has the potential to be submerged. A year of drought and floods, desertification, landslip, etc and we don't have a good protection of the environment, so we should set up a kind of environmental protection consciousness.

  So how do we protect the environment? I have the following suggestion: the first point to the value of energy, no waste water and electricity resources; The second point to take good care of green, not the decapitation of flowers and plants, not trample on the grass, not disorderly cut down trees; The third point, don't make too much waste, such as plastic bags should use less as far as possible; Fourth, to know the waste utilization, it's no use newspapers, magazines, such as bottles should be sent to the recycling collection; Fifth should pay attention to environmental health, can not spitting, cannot throw garbage everywhere, peel sundry goods should be put in the bin. Above these are all we can do and should do.













