

  Simon Cherry, another professor at UC Davis, says the PET scans can show the progress of both disease and medical treatments. “With PET scans we’re looking at function. We’re actually able to say something about what the cells in the body are doing. He says the Explorer uses a much lower amount of radiation(辐射)than today’s PET tests, and creates images more quickly. “So we can do scans in maybe 30 seconds that now take 20 minutes. Or we do scans under a very small radiation.”

  A complete view could help researchers develop new medicines that target diseases and parts of the body. It could help doctors reduce harmful side effects by following the movement of medicines through the body.

  The researchers hope to test the Explorer with humans in three years.

  1.What is the most obvious advantage of Explorer about the image it produces

  A. It will give doctors images of human organs.

  B. It can offer doctors images of the whole human body.

  C. It will give doctors images of only parts of the body.

  D. It will give doctors images of better quality.

  2.What does the word “It” mean in the last but one paragraph

  A. The bodyB. A new medicine

  C. A complete viewD. A disease

  3.What’s the author’s attitude toward Explorer

  A. DoubtfulB. Positive

  C. SupportiveD. Objective

  4.What’s the main idea of the passage

  A. PET scanners create 3-D images.

  B. Doctors will develop more effective treatments for cancer.

  C. The world’s first PET scanner will be put into use.

  D. A full-body PET scanner is being developed.


  How to Build the Skill of Understanding People

  It’s not always easy to predict or understand how someone else feels. Some people are better at it than others, but just about everyone can improve with practice.1..

  It starts with watching.

  Try these ways to develop your observation skills.

  2. Next time you’re at the cafe, or on the bus, try this: Look around and try to identify how people might be feeling based on their body language, facial expressions, and what they’re doing. The girl with the textbooks on her knee might have an exam coming up.Does she seem confident or stressed

  Read books or watch movies that have realistic descriptions of human emotions. 3. Try to understand why the characters feel the way they do. Based on those emotions, predict what a character will do next. Or see if you can explain why a charater did what he or she did.

  It improves with listening.

  Most of us rate ourselves as good listeners after all, listening seems like such a simple, basic thing to do. But often we’re so busy thinking of what we want to say that we don’t listen as much as we’d like.

  Practice listening well in everyday conversations.4. Train yourself to think of listening as more important than talking.

  Tune in to feelings as well as story. When a friend tells you about something, try to imagine how he or she might have felt. Make statements that show you’re trying to understand your friend’s experience, like: “Oh, that must have felt amazing!” or “That must be upsetting for you.”5.

  A. Observe what people around you like.

  B. Observe the behavior of people around you.

  C. Here are some tips for you to share the skill.

  D. Pay attention to how different characters feel and act.

  E. Really pay attention to what the other person is saying.

  F. Understanding others is all about watching and listening.

  G. You might find you can predict what your friend will say next.


  Within five minutes of meeting Olivia Ports, I knew she was a special teenager.

  I knew before she_____ her guitar and performed a song. I knew before I found out how a(n)___ she was born with changed her childhood. And I knew before her mother told me Olivia performed recently in front of 1,200 people.

  In addition to her________musical talents, Olivia is just so friendly, funny and _______to those who made her first show such a success. “She doesn’t want the story to be about her,” said Olivia’s mother. But like all children______ chronic (慢性的) diseases, the “journey she has been on has made her stronger.” Olivia admits she’s not like many kids of her age. ___herself as a “little bit crazy”, she acts older than she is. She was born with a compromised immune system (缺乏抵抗力的'免疫系统). When she realized she would have to____her beloved gymnastics, she took up her mom’s old high school guitar and ________herself to play. “I had to have something to do with so much_______time,” she said. It was during a hospital visit that she met Classical Blast, a popular band that invited Olivia to____them as a guest performer on their Christmas____. Their encouragement gave her the courage to begin playing at public____in the area, and she was soon a regular on stage. It was yet another treatment that____her most recent performance. Recovering in her room for 15 days last Christmas, Olivia saw first-hand “how sad it can be” for children to be in hospital during the ___. That’s why this year, Olivia decided to do a benefit(义演), asking guests to bring a toy that could be taken to young _______.

  Speaking of her future, the high school senior plans to _______a year off after graduation. She wants to______for college with the goal of opening a music school for those with health ___. When you_______your life with things you love,” she said, “it makes every day more____.”

  1.A. put awayB. took overC. picked upD. set down

  2.A. conditionB. positionC. environmentD. reality

  3.A. amusingB. entertainingC. delightfulD. impressive

  4.A. gracefulB. gratefulC. addictedD. appreciated

  5.A. fightingB. beatingC. defeatingD. winning

  6.A. ReferringB. ThinkingC. DescribingD. Observing

  7.A. banB. avoidC. replaceD. abandon

  8.A. helpedB. servedC. influencedD. taught

  9.A. offB. downC. outD. up

  10.A. recognizeB. interviewC. joinD. affect

  11.A. tripB. tourC. travelD. journey

  12.A. albumsB. eventsC. cafesD. thrillers

  13.A. led toB. lay inC. split upD. put into

  14.A. seasonsB. wintersC. holidaysD. years

  15.A. singersB. audienceC. performersD. patients

  16.A. setB. takeC. putD. turn

  17.A. askB. payC. waitD. head

  18.A. insurancesB. challengesC. productsD. symptoms

  19.A. fillB. pushC. setD. mix

  20.A. challengingB. complexC. meaningfulD. powerful
