


  I learned to skate by composition 1

  Everyone must have many successes or failures in their lives. In my heart, there is success, but there is also failure.

  I remember one Sunday when I finished my homework and took my dad's skates that I had just bought to practice skating downstairs. Then my friends came down to me and said, "let's play and see who is fast." I thought: my skating skills haven't been very good yet, I'm sure it's worse than them. And he said to them, "Before you! I'll practice first." I began to practice. But every time I slipped and fell, I fell down every time I slipped. I got up and covered my ass, pulled down my skates and threw them aside for a while. They were very envious of the ease with which they were skating, and they waved their arms to and fro, and suddenly and quickly, with a thousand gestures. But when I put on these two skates, my legs couldn't move like lead.

  Then one of the friends said to me, "you keep your balance and hold the railing." But I still fell. I thought: isn't skating so hard to learn? Just as I was about to give up, my mother came down from upstairs and said to me, "don't give up. Anyone who has not failed, just be patient and will learn." After listening to my mother, I put my skating shoes on, stood up, and held the railings one step at a time. Three or four times in a row, I was sweating profusely. My mother said to me, "it's great to walk so many circles. You have to persevere and you will succeed." I walked slowly and gingerly loosened the railing, but I fell every two or three steps, but I persisted, once, twice, three times... The skating shoes at my feet were a little bossy. My speed gradually quickened, and I tamed the skates. I finally learned to skate! I shouted, "I finally made it!" Failure is the mother of success. If you study hard and do it, you will succeed.

