


  With a heart to push open the flower of honesty; A heart light point to look forward to sincere. If the sky is not blue shawl, might not be the bird's singing; If there is no honesty between people, the world will become desolate and barren.

  Maybe you are just one unknown grass, maybe is just a drop of water in the ocean, please don't upset, don't worry, your life and sincerity the friend, let it with you!

  When ice and snow, we need a fire to keep them warm. When the night boundless, we need starlight to lighting; In future the vast, we need a traffic lights to guide... Life is a long way, in the heart always has a few silk sorrow and loneliness, windy ridge ye, as some good faith give oneself!

  A man without letter not stand, countries no believe it or not. With integrity is our foundation, trust is the foundation of human interaction. Only to come to life, can foothold in society, without honesty is like a floating in the air dust, lonely and helpless. In the boundless huge crowd, lost the direction; Not trust's eyes, also do not know to where... Visible in the wealth of life, integrity cannot be abandoned. As long as have it, you are half the battle; As long as you have it, you have the ability to "fly". As long as have it, you have got a bosom friend.

  If the ideal is the tree, the good faith is the root. In a pot in life, knowledge is "fertile soil" such as "seed", sweat is "cultivation", but the most important thing is that it tastes _ integrity. Without it, the flowers will not bloom, dreams will not be able to fly! Let us now take the good faith as friend, believe that good faith will be gorgeous blossom in your life.

  捧一颗心去催开诚信之花;点一盏心灯去期待真诚 。如果天空没有蓝色的披肩,也许就不会鸟儿的漫天歌唱;如果人与人之间没有诚信,世界就会变得苍凉而荒芜。


  当冰雪覆盖的时候,我们需要一团火来取暖;当暗夜无边的时候,我们需要点点星光来照明;在前途茫茫时,我们需要一盏航灯来引导……人生漫漫长路 ,心中总有几丝忧愁与孤寂,迎风而立的你们 , 不如留些诚信给自己取暖吧!


  如果理想是大树,诚信便是根 。在人生的花盆中,知识是“沃土”希望如“种子”,汗水是“耕耘”,但最重要的是它的内质_诚信。若没有了它,花儿将无法绽放,梦想将无法飞翔!让我们现在就以诚信为友,相信诚信将会在你的人生中绚丽绽放。

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