


  有多个教育和培训经历时,一般按照时间倒序的方式写,最近的.学历放在最前面,按照学历从高到低的顺序,时间上需要衔接,时间段精确到月份。每段教育经历都应有起止日期,精确到月,这有助于让HR了解你接受教育的成长轨迹。对于应届毕业生,明确的毕业时间可以让HR根据公司的招录数量 (headcount)决定实习期和招录时间。



  Female, 36 Hebei people

  Education: technical secondary school/technical school

  Working fixed number of year: more than 10 years

  Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

  Work location: tianjin - rare - Yang Village

  Objective: accounting | finance/accounting assistant

  Strong learning ability The good faith integrity

  Work experience

  (work for 14 years and 6 months, do 2 job)

  Beijing sai cheng industrial control technology co., LTD

  Working hours: between September 2011 and February 2011 [5 years and 5 months]

  Job title: the cashier and accountant

  Job content: the company management and procurement of office supplies; Purchasing and sales contract of custody; The contract of sale tracking; According to regulations issued by the company internal reports; Company employee social insurance and housing accumulation fund of is dealt with; Enterprises work in the new work; Company staff paper review and submit an expense account; To deal with Banks, cash income and expenditure of the business; Issue sales invoice, purchase of VAT invoices, the input tax invoice certification; For high-tech enterprise software products for the record and software products of tax rebate business; Company financial vouchers and accounting books and making statements, pay for yearly check of industry and commerce business, taxes, stamp duty and other business

  Beijing Tony technology co., LTD

  Working time: in February 2002 to March 2011 a month] [9 years

  Job title: the cashier

  Job content: purchase contract management and follow up; The contract of sale tracking; Sales staff paper review into the salesman performance fee accounting. Employees required by company reimbursement bills of examination and approval and reimbursement; Banks, cash income to pay for work; To handle company bid bond and performance bond; The company's more than one bank account management and reconciliation; Issue VAT invoices, purchase invoices; Assist the personnel department in new employee training.

  Education experience

  Graduated in July 2001, jingxing vocational education centers Computer application

  Self description

  I am down-to-earth, and have the desire to do better, has the accountant from job seniority card, the primary accountant card, rare settled in a room


  The basic information

  Name: yjbys

  Gender: female

  Age: 30 years old, height: 156 cm

  Marital status: married to the household registration, dushan county in guizhou province

  Highest degree: college experience: 5-10 years

  Contact address: guiyang city


  Position: recently worked for a customer service supervisor

  Expect to work: / guiyang city in guizhou province

  Expect job nature: full time

  Anticipated salary: negotiable

  Hoped for jobs: hr specialist/assistant, accounting and cashier

  Hope is engaged in the industry: in other industries

  Skills talents

  Specialty: I have optimistic and cheerful personality, treat people easygoing, work conscientiously, steadfast, good at learning. Familiar with office software and equipment.

  Education experience

  Trait in guizhou normal university (tertiary)

  Start-stop years: in September 2009 to July 2011

  School name: trait in guizhou normal university

  Professional name: hotel and tourism management

  Degree: college degree

  Work experience

  Guiyang star yue ran treasure automobile service co., LTD. - the head of the service

  Commencement date: between September 2013 and September 2016

  Name of enterprise: guiyang star yue ran treasure automobile service co., LTD

  In position: customer service supervisor

  Results: during the work is mainly responsible for: 1. Manage guest profile 2. Responsible for customer's invitation and visit 3. Responsible for company activities 4. To assist the work of each department


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