


  Have a plan before beginning your essay. Write down ideas you have about a particular topic. Is your essay an argument or opinion?在写文章前计划一下。写下你对某一话题的想法。你的文章是一个论证还是观点?

  1.The first paragraph of an article is an introduction about the topic you plan to discuss.文章第一段是一个关于你要讨论话题的介绍。

  2.All following paragraphs are the body of your essay. These paragraphs will relate to the main idea of your article. Only begin a new paragraph when you wish to begin the next idea..所有接下来的段落是你文章的主题。这些段落将和你文章的中心思想有关。只有当你想开始写下一个想法时再新起一段。

  3. The closing paragraph is usually the solution or conclusion to your discussion. 结尾段通常是所你讨论问题的解决方案或结论。

  Write a topic sentence for each of your paragraphs so the reader knows what the main idea of each paragraph is. The body sentences will pertain to your topic sentence. The last sentence of the paragraph should conclude what you just wrote about while leading into the next topic. Transition sentences are quite tricky to master; this is why you should have a plan as to what order you will discuss your ideas.对每一个段落写一个中心句,以便读者了解这个段落的中心思想。段内的句子所讲内容要与你的中心句有关联。段落最后一句应该总结你所写的,并引入下一个话题。过渡句很难掌握,因此你最好有一个大纲,关于你讲以何种顺序讨论你的想法。


  It is common for foreigners to write many sentences, but sometimes they are just too short. Combine these sentences by adding a conjunction such as “but, and, or, because, etc.”对于外国人来说,写很多句子很平常的事情,但是有时它们都太短了。通过加一个连词比如“但是,和,或者,因为等等”将可以讲这些句子结合起来。
