

  2. 主体段


  1. The benefits of…… can be perceived in many aspects.

  In the first place, 分论点一. For instance, 例证 / 语言论证。In the second place, 分论点二. 论证.

  2. However, ……has also given rise to a lot of problems.

  For one thing,……For another……, Finally,……




  a. 让步分析

  Admittedly, hardship and bitterness of life could drive people to become mature. Under working pressure, children think about finishing their tasks before the deadline instead of concerning how to kill their seemingly limitless free time. Work may be the only priority of their life. It is fairly different between taking a dollar from their parents and earning one by themselves. Only the tough reality can force them to get rid of selfishness and dependence on their parents, which is exactly one of the most urgently needed cures in parental education.


  b. 转折过渡+提出观点

  However, everything is mixed blessing. Employing children to work should be viewed as a harsh treatment and abuse to them. Kids, after all, unlike adults, are immature both physically and psychologically. They are extremely vulnerable to both occupational hazards and social evils. More importantly, children are at the golden age for learning not only due to their brain structure but also their curiosity and desire for knowledge. It goes without saying that the silly action permitting children to work for financial reasons is ridiculous.
