Yu Mei has changed a lot


Yu Mei has changed a lot

  It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. She used to be short when she was younger,but now she is taller than before.She used to have long hair,but now she has short hair.And she used to like playing soccer,but she is on a tennis team now,so she like playing tennis.And she used to be alone,however,she makes lots of friends now.She feels very happiness.So these days she gets very outgoing.

【Yu Mei has changed a lot】相关文章:

1.以“If I have a lot of money”为题的作文


3.英语歌词:王菀之Love Has It All

4.我的朋友小梅(My friend Hsiao-mei)英语作文

5.关于初三英语优秀作文范文:How I’ve changed

6.英语作文A Letter to a Friend

7.杜丽莎《Rumour Has It+Someone Like You》歌词

8.I live in a flat in a building英语作文

上一篇:汉语拼音üyu教学下一篇:人物英语作文:Yi Jianlian-350字