


  The little prince is a famous French children's literature short story written by Anthony &middot, German &middot, and Saint Eike Sue Perry in 1942. Although the children's literary works, is now the adult I read, so it is the same, it has the kind of people not aware of the forces in control of regional sadness in our hearts, his words are simple and plain, but it exudes a unique charm.

  The little prince is a spiritual child, he lived in a little bit older than he is only on the asteroid. He was accompanied by a tiny rose he loved very much. But the vanity of the little rose hurt the little prince's affection for her. The little prince left the asteroid and began his journey into space. He visited six planets, and all kinds of information made him sad. He felt that his people were ridiculous and abnormal. It was only on the planet of one of the lights that the little prince found a friend to whom he could be a friend. But the world of the lamp man was very narrow, and he could not hold the first two men except the light man and himself.

  Under the guidance of the geographer, the lonely little prince came to the earth where man lived. The little prince found that man lacked imagination, only to repeat what others had said like a parrot. The little prince grew more and more yearning for the little rose on his own planet. Later, the little prince met a little fox. The little prince conquered the little fox and became close friends with him. The small fox put the secrets of your heart — the invisible nature of things, it is only with the heart to have a keen insight into matters —  as a gift to the little prince. With this secret, the little prince found the fountain of life together with the pilot in distress in the Sahara desert. Finally, the little prince died with the help of the snake, and his heart returned to his B612 asteroid.

  "The little prince" this fairy tale plot ups and downs, and philosophical implications, "the little prince" the story is simple, plain text. I am very easy to read two times, without the slightest weariness. Fairy tales may be a gift for plain living. He lets you read easily, and at the same time gives you something to relax, such as the innocence and beauty of life, such as simplicity and clarity. The author's description of the quest of the little prince is just like our daily life; we are constantly seeking “ the lost beautiful ” and forgetting that it will become a good “ now ”. Lost to know how to cherish, lost to know the good. We all want to have our own beautiful world, and we all want the present and the future to be beautiful. But how could that be? We can not keep time, can not let now become immortal, but we can try to cherish now, and try to cherish the upcoming with their search and now the passage of the now.

  The story of the little prince is sad, a love wound. Love is earnest and sincere, painful and hard to bear. The love of the little prince is pure, elegant, sincere and earnest. If death can bring him back to his star, if death can let him meet with a loved one, he will be duty bound to choose to die, because he is deeply in love with her, because his heart was tamed by the rose. He did the same, and he fell softly, as he knew no one to come to earth.

  "The little prince" in fairy tale language and the stock market to start the plot, but works concise language for deep penetration of understanding of human civilization, elaborates on the different types of adult social opinion and criticism, put forward some problems provide much material for thought. In particular, the author praises the friendship and affection of the little prince, and hopes that people will develop friendship and love each other. In the author's view, love must be as hot as the volcano on the planet where the little prince lives. Love must be as diligent as the little prince, and eradicate the evil grass for the rose.



  Today, I read the book of the little prince.


  This book is mainly about: the little prince from the earth, and then went to the 6 Star Trek, during the trip he met different people: other people as subjects of the king; a conceited man worship others; a want to own before is a thing to forget out of the stars; for himself and some businessmen, there is a strange one and a geographer. At last the little prince came back to the earth, met the little fox, and domesticated it again.


  This story tells us: fascinating things really important is invisible, it takes time to experience to run, only you on something devoted to get the time, the one and only belongs to you only harvest, but also will really know how to cherish.


  I like this book, I prefer the little prince, and I like his kindness.



  Today, I read the book "the little prince". It is clear that love and friendship don't need to be far away, and you can find it around you. Happiness is to be good at dedicate the heart to the people, and be good at paying for the people they love. If you can make others feel warm, then you don't feel empty about everything around you...

  《小王子》寓意深刻、富有哲理、生动有趣、引人入胜。书中描写了一个天真纯洁的小王子,他生活在宇宙中的一颗小行星上,生活安宁美好,唯一的威胁是猴面包树, 但它的幼苗一出土就被铲除了。为了寻求友谊,为了学点知识,小王子离开了自己的星球到宇宙中去旅行。他先后到过六个行星,拜访了国王、爱虚荣的人、商人、 酒鬼、地理学家和点灯人。最后小王子来到地球,结识了飞行员、狐狸和蛇。

  The little prince has a profound meaning, philosophical, vivid, interesting and fascinating. The book describes a naive and pure little prince. He lives in an asteroid in the universe. His life is quiet and beautiful. The only threat is baobab, but its seedling has been eradicated once unearthed. In search of friendship, in order to learn some knowledge, the little prince left his own planet to travel in the universe. He has been to six planets, visiting the king, the vain man, the businessman, the drunkard, the geologist and the light - spot. At last the little prince came to the earth and met the pilots, the foxes and the snakes.


  The fairy tale has a deep meaning. It tells me that love and friendship are around us.
