

  une 23rd Sunda Sunn

  It was a fine da tda and the sun was bright. I visited Beiing Z with classate, He Sng. The anials were s interesting that all the peple lved the. When a bear ased fr se fd b waving its ann, a visitr threw sething t it. At nce I went up t hi and said withut thining, "Dn't d that. It's bad fr it. If u reall lve the, tae gd care f the." His face turned red and answered he wuldn't d that again.

  6月23日 星期日 睛


  une 23rd Sunda Sunn

  It was ver fine tda. It was neither t ht nr t cld.He Sng and I went t Beiing Z in the rning. The anials were s interesting that everne lied the ver uch.

  We watched the bears fr a lng tie. The were reall lvel. One f the was standing and pening the uth. Anther f the was sitting n the grund and waving its ar lie saing hell t us. The ther tw gus were bxing. We had a gd laugh at it. But at that tie I saw a visitr thrwing fd t the. I ran up t hi and stpped hi, because se f the anials had been hurt b the fd given b visitrs.

  All the anials are ur friends. Tae gd care f the if we reall lve the.

  6月23日 星期日 晴




