

英语演讲稿 篇1

  Hello,My name is Han Xueru .I am from Chia.I am a student.I am 1.5 metres tall.I have a long hair ,big eyes and small nose .My favourite clothes are skirts,sweaters,pants and drsses.My favourite colour are red,pink,green ,purple ,blue and white.My favourie food are chicken ,dumpling ,rice ,eggs ,cake ,bread ,porridge and beef.My favourite fruit are apples,bananas,pears,peaches strawberries and watermelons.My favourite animalare are cat,dog,kangaroo,monkey,panda,rabbit,sheep and tiger.My favourite seasons are spring and summer.My favourite weathers are sunny ahd snowy.

  How about you?

英语演讲稿 篇2

  Hello! Everyone. I’m Tony, an 11-year-old happy boy.I live with my parents and we love each other.

  I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing and reading books.And I love animals most. Now I will tell you about my favorite animal.

  They are very precious sea animals with long bodies.Theylive on fish, shrimps and so on.They are very clever. People often train them for performances which brings us a lot of happiness and joy.They are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger.

  Now,do you know what they are? Yes, you are right. They are dolphins.

  I hope we can take actions to protect dolphins, so they will always be with us.

  二 Good morning boys and girls, It’s a great pleasure for me/It’s nice to to give you a speech here. Nowadays mastering a foreign language is very helpful in our daily life. I feel it a great honor to share my opinions about English learning with you. Firstly, I believe it is useful to remember as many sentence patterns as possible. Secondly, we should try our best to read more English newspapers and magazines after class, which helps to improve our reading abilities. Besides, TV programmes are of great help to us. Last but not least, it’s necessary for us to communicate with foreign friends as much as possible and increase our awareness of foreign cultures, which can also help to improve our English. However, sometimes I find it difficult to pronounce some English words correctly. I would appreciate it if someone could give me some advice. Thanks for your attention

英语演讲稿 篇3


  Ihavemanyhobbies,suchassports,singingandreadingbooks.AndIloveanimalsmost.NowIwilltellyouaboutmyfavoriteanimal. Theyareverypreciousseaanimalswithlongbodies.Theyliveonfish,shrimpsandsoon.Theyareveryclever.Peopleoftentrainthemforperformanceswhichbringsusalotofhappinessandjoy.Theyareveryfriendlyandpeaceful.Theyneverattackpeople.Instead,theyhavesavedmanypeopleindanger.



英语演讲稿 篇4

  my teacher and i

  now i am a junior student, and i like studying, my not best in our class, but i still think i am a good student. my teacher think also!

  can you imagine how difficult i will, when i meet a problem in english, and i am not perfect one in my class, i do not like english at the very beginning for i know nothing about english which is only task from school and my parents, i am not good boy at that time.

  but, you know, i am really want learn something now, i want keep up with the so-called mainstream, i want to be a good student. can you imagine how difficult when i face the simple english, i just know nothing. however, in this most difficult and key moment , english teacher ms x come to me, she understand me i suppose, she pay much more time in this english poor level boy, i want to say thank you my teacher.

  now i am not good yet in english, but i am keep going, believe me!






英语演讲稿 篇5

  My Family

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad to be here to give the speech. My name is…. I’m a student from…. Today I want to introduce my family to you. There are three people in my family---my father, mother and me. I love them and they love me, too.

  My father is 40 years old. He is a tall and strong man. He is a good worker. Every day he gets up early and goes back home very late. He likes playing ping-pong. Usually we play ping-pong on the weekend. He is strict to me, but I still love him very much.

  My mother is 40 years old, too. She stays at home and does housework. She is smart and beautiful. She likes reading books and listening to music. She teaches me a lot: such as sweeping the floor, doing the dishes and cooking the meals. I often help her to do housework and that makes her very happy.

  We often play sports at night. Sometimes we go hiking on the weekend. My father loves my mother and me. I love them, too. We are good friends. I love my family.


英语演讲稿 篇6

  hello!mynameiszhengyechengcheng. i'mten.

  istudyinwzchildrenartsschool. i'minclassonegradefour.




  itsays:welcometoourclassroom! therearemanydesks.




  therearemanyinterestingthings. thereisafishbowlonthecabinet. hisnameisgoldy.


  thereisalargeblackboardonthefrontwall. myteacherwritesourhomeworkonit. thereisabirthdaychartonthebackwall. myteacherputsournamesandbirthdaysonit. thereisaroundclockabovethedoor. ittellsuswhattimeitis.

  thereareourdrawingsonthesidewall. thisismine.thisisjenny’s.

  thereisareadingcouchinthecorner. thisismyfavoriteplace.

英语演讲稿 篇7

  keep your direction what would you do if you failed? many people may choose to give up. however, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. on your way to success, you must keep your direction. it is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. direction means objectives. you can get nowhere without an objective in life. you can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. in this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. and you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 坚持你的方向 如果失败了你会怎么做?很多人可能会选择放弃。然而,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是坚持你的方向和目标。 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你度过难关。否则,你很容易就会迷失方向或犹豫不前。 方向意味着目标。人生如果没有目标,将一事无成。 你可以试着把你的目标写在纸上,并制定实现目标的计划。这样,你就会懂得如何合理安排时间,如何正确地支配时间。而且你还要有这样的信念:只要你一直坚持自己的方向,你就一定可以成功。

英语演讲稿 篇8

  “英语难,难于上青天”,“最令我们头疼的就是学英语”平常交谈中,我们常能听到许多类似的感慨。学英语真的很难吗?我认为:英语学习并非难事,关键在于要用心去学。 首先,要舍得投入精力和时间,要有恒心。许多人学习英语时想寻求捷径,我认为这也未尝不可,但必须以坚实的基础为前提。付出总与收获成正比,持之以恒,英语水平就有了相应的提高。其次,掌握一定的词汇量。如果你目前没有掌握一定的词汇量,那么,你一定要学会如何掌握词汇量的方法。英语学习中,单词的记忆是困扰许多人的一个难题。记单词的确不是一件容易的事情,但若方法得当,效果就会好得多。我认为,大家倘能真正做到以下三点,掌握的词汇量一定会不断增多:



  3、巩固和强化。单词在初次学习后,应及时地复习、巩固,以免在短时间内遗忘。 还有一些方法 比如 收听英语节目、看英文原版录像都是效果不错的方法。即经常有意识地用英语交流。 英语考试中阅读理解题所占考分大,耗时多,但如果平时能做到多读,则有助于提高阅读能力。阅读要快读,以提高阅读速度,增加和扩大英语感性认识。

英语演讲稿 篇9

  Good afternoon, everyone!

  My name is Li Yuxi. I’m from Class 1, Grade 7.

  Today I’ll tell you something about my friend Andy.

  Andy was a little boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words. I, you, and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with these words. The teacher said ,:"I, I am your teacher. she(pointing to a girl),she is your classmate. You, you are my student." after supper, his dad asked, :"what have you learned at school?" Andy said at once: "I, I am your teacher .she (pointing to his mom), she is your classmate. you, you are my student. "his dad got very angry and said, :"I, I am your dad. She(pointing to his mom), she is your mom. you, you are my son." the next morning, the teacher asked Andy to make sentences with the three words. "OK" he said: "I,I am your dad. She(pointing to a girl), she is your mom. you, you are my son.

  That’s all. Thank you.

英语演讲稿 篇10

  As you slowly open your eyes, look around ,

  当你慢慢睁开眼睛的时候, 环顾四周,

  Notice where the light comes into your room;


  feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air.

  用你的身心去感觉, 看看你是否能感受到空气中 散发出的新鲜气息。

  listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize;

  仔细听听, 看看你可以辨认出新的声音;

  Yes, yes, yes, its a new day, its a different day, and its a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to take new actions,

  make new friends,

  and take your life to a totally unprecedented level!
