

  So what I want to leave you, then, is with the explanation of why I actually traveled 60,000 miles from my desk. When I realized the power of this new world, I quit my safe teaching job, and set up a virtual business school, the first in the world, in order to teach people how to make this happen, and I used some of my learnings about some of the rules which I'd learned on myself. If you're interested, worldaftermidnight.com, you'll find out more, but I've applied them to myself for over a decade, and I'm still here, and I still have my house, and the most important thing is, I hope I've done enough to inject a little green ink into your lives, so that when you go away and you're making your next absolutely sensible and rational decision, you'll take some time to think, "Hmm, I wonder whether this also makes sense in our new world after midnight." Thank you very much. (Applause) Thank you, thank you. (Applause)所以今天我想告诉大家的东西解释了为什么我旅行了6,000英里。 当我意识到蕴藏在这个崭新世界中的能量,我辞掉了稳定的教育工作,并且创建了一个虚拟商业学校,全球的第一家,为了帮助大家实现自己的商业目标而存在,并且我使用了一些自己琢磨出来的关于新世界的规则。如果你们感兴趣,worldaftermidnight.com(网址),你们可以了解到更多。要知道我已经把这些理念应用在我自己身上十几年了,我还是好好的站在这,我还是有房有车,并且最重要的是,我希望我的发言可以为大家的生活注入一点点绿色墨水, 所以当你离开这里并且要考虑你们的下一个特别重要并且关键的决定时,你们会花时间多想一想“恩,我很希望今天的演讲能让大家觉得不虚此行,在我们这个新世界里。”非常感谢大家(喝彩)谢谢,谢谢大家。(喝彩)如何在一个飞速变化的世界里精明地失败英语演讲稿]相关文章:
