


  Is It Necessary to Legalization of Same-sex

  Same-sex marriage (or called "gay marriage" or "same-sex marriage") refers to the marital relationship between two persons the same biological sex or gender identity between. In same-sex marriage supporters, which is also recognized as the "marriage equality" or "equal marriage rights."

  Today, twenty-first century, facing the threat of AIDS, the pressures of gay marriage, as well as worrying the health of gay mental and other practical, how earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the gay community has become an extremely complex social problem. Currently, a series of

  social problems caused by the growing population of gay is of social concern, including discussions on the legalization of same-sex marriage has become increasingly fierce. Particularly renowned sociologist Dr. Li Yinhe "Chinese proposal to legalize same-sex marriage," and much controversy, not only controversial proposal itself, more proposals reflects the enormous social value conflicts --- mainstream and non-mainstream collision, people start thinking about same-sex marriage should not be legalized.

  In essence, homosexuality is a kind of the opposite sex can not produce to meet the requirements and nature of natural physiological phenomenon. In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality would lead to a decision Classification of Diseases, the

  following year, the American Psychological Association has also made a similar decision. World Health Organization also confirmed in 1992: homosexuality is a natural phenomenon belonging to minorities, then it is not classified as mental disorders (sexual perversion). In 2001, China promulgated the third edition Psychiatric Association, "China Classification and diagnostic criteria of mental disorders", the same will be removed homosexuality from the classification of diseases, which means that homosexuality is no longer considered a disease, homosexuality is no longer in our country for the first time classified as a pathological mental abnormality.

  Since homosexuality is not pathological, but rather a normal human behavior and minorities normal way of life, therefore, homosexuality as a citizen of a country, its basic legal rights as heterosexuals should obtain legal recognition and protection of the country's any person or organization shall not be infringed.

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