



  I don`t believe in law

  Good afternoon, honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Today I want to share my view on law.

  To tell the truth,alhough I am a sophomore major in law,I don`t believe in it.I mean when acting we ought not to put "lawful "first. Because in my mind,things that worth believing in are supposed to be noble and nice.They believe the world could be beautiful through arousing and strengthen kindness of man. But law is our last baseline and insurance,whose presumption is that human are wicked. They keep a watchful eye on the weakness of human nature,so it aim at fighting against us.Just when we have no other ways to recover,will us appeal to it.As a reasonable person,how can we regard the last resort as our faith

  In addition,we will realize that law itself has got bogged down in ineffectiveness and injustice while reviewing the current events.

  It is not the first time that food safety issues,which have catched great attention of the whole society in China,become the central topic of the public.With many years` passing by,statute enacted to resolve this series of problems is constantly improving and continuously pxpending .However,it has`t eliminated even discreasad the eruption of those existing problems.Today more and more poisonous substances

  come into the market and turn into our foods under the supervision of law and regulations.I can`t help expecting to ask:how the law function

  Facing the rough administrative enforcement of legislation by urban-management officers,XiaJunfeng,a hawker ,killed two enforcers in self-defence.He was sentensed to death again by the judgement of the last resort,upholding the original verdict.During these trials,in support of the official,courts excluded all the testimonies of legal witnesses regardless of the rights and benefits of the defendant .It is distinct corruption and a violation of law.The urban management system is obviously irrational,what`s worse,this case makes me feel that confronting ueasonable mechanism,individuals have no choice but to be sacrifice of it because of the unfair judgement.

  In order to handle these social problems ,most people appeal for "sound rule of law".As far as they are concerned,law can offer solutions to every problem simply and efficiently in a world struggling with rapid industrialization.

  Nevertheless,is legislation the source of the scandals and fundamental solutions to them

  Kant haw ever said:"There are two things make me deeply shocked in my innermost being:the starry heavens above me and the moral law within

  me.It is morality that the measurement for one`s conscience and the primary rule we ought to abide by.The requirements of morality is much stricter than those of statute.For this reason,one could be legally innocent but morally guilty.Only be strict with yourself under this discipline,shall we prevent ourselves from breaching law and regulations easily,which would be binding then.In a word,rule of morality should be underlying. Law is not everything,but just as what hooks and rope to climber ,.we can`t live without it.I am sure that a true harmonious society will be built as long as rule of law and rule of morality be joint with each other to shine over our heads.

  篇二:英语演讲 美国的`法律

  The American law

  What does it mean to obey the lawThat depends on where you are. Different cultures have very different views of obeying the law. In some cultures, law-abiding citizens try to keep the letter of the law. That is, whatever the law says, they do. In other cultures, good citizens live by the spirit of the law. They see the law only as a general guideline. Often they obey the law only when someone official is looking. The situation in America fits into the first category. That doesn't mean all Americans keep the law. But American culture teaches people to respect the law--even to the smallest detail.

  One reason is about America's Christian.It’s heritage[文化遗产] has shaped how people view the law. For one thing, the Bible reveals God's unchanging laws which people must obey. It also teaches people to respect human authority as established by God.

  For example,driving habits illustrate American respect for the law. A driver will usually stop for a red light, even when there are no other cars around. People treat the lines marking streets and roads as definite[明确的] boundaries, not just decorations. Vehicles[机动车] yield[让出] to those with the right of way-particularly pedestrians[行人]. Actually, though,

  drivers don't always keep traffic rules. For example, many drivers ignore freeway speed limits. But Americans generally drive with careful attention to the rules.

  Of course, not everyone in America abides by the law. Crime is a growing problem.

  However,skilled lawyers sometimes use minor issues to get their clients[委托人] set free. And prison inmates may live even better than many poor citizens.

  Anyway,no one believes a perfect legal system is possible. Yet every society has laws. Whether people follow the letter of the law or just the spirit of the law, they recognize the need for laws to keep order in society. Without them, the society would be chaotic[混乱]. If every man were a law unto[向,对] himself, no man would be free.









