


  Now people should generally think that inner beauty is important? Zhang Xiaofeng doesn't think so. I don't think so.

  You can't see the inner beauty of a man, and you don't know. But external beauty, when you see his first eye, you can find. Sometimes, the external beauty is very important. "If I was hit by a motorcycle on the road, as long as I get a look, the man riding a new bright red car, wearing a beautiful white jeans, a brilliant yellow radiance of a sweater and, above all, there is a Omar Sharif type the character of the face, I have a soft heart, beat yourself up dust yourself walking and sincerely apologize to him, please don't mind my forehead he accidentally knocked his car paint. But if the man riding a vintage car ash not yellow is not yellow, with a swollen shiny untidy ugly face, (or, worse, it is a bit long beans.) I have not trouble him!"

  If only the inner beauty with flowers "but nobody heard guava flower? Who has ordered a poplar for a girlfriend? Melon, watermelon flowers flowers although future can ", but where had descendants flourish" anthography!"

  But people have the beauty of the outside, like a noble and beautiful rose - "to make flowers, you have to make beautiful roses." To be a man, of course, is great, otherwise, at least it will be beautiful! "

  Inner beauty, beauty in the heart, can anyone see it at the same time? Why is the plastic house so hot? Why do everyone want to plastic? There is only one reason: "I forgive Lin Daiyu, forgive the beauty, forgive the premature death of the Empress Dowager Mrs. Lee, although they are often ill. "The sick man of East Asia" is probably the kind of "East Asian sick woman students. But as long as the sick students like Lin Daiyu and rosy cheeks red, Xingmou shine, or like a beauty that frowns with heart, breath it, even to the beauty, can also get a prize for the best looking ". If you like her, although the body, good acting, and who would know?"

  I can not say that inner beauty is useless and military, and I have different views with the author.

  If people have only the external beauty but lack the connotation, I can only call it an empty shell without the soul. If people have not only the beauty of external but also the inner beauty, then the empty shells that are not useless are completely incomparable with the single soul.

  Although the present social appearance is more important than the connotation, the lifeless rose is never better than a rose with a spirit.
