



  晚饭后,我和爸爸 出去散步,走到菜市场门口,看见一个乞丐,穿着破旧衣服,坐在那里,好些一点力气都没有。手里拿一个小盆,爸爸看见后,马上拉着我跑到菜市场里面,买了一兜馒头和豆浆。又跑回来,那人刚好要走,爸爸把吃的递给他,他看见很高兴 。

  After dinner, my father and I went out for a walk, and we walked to the gate of the market. We saw a beggar sitting in the shabby clothes, and there was no strength. Holding a small basin, dad saw, immediately pulled me to the food market, bought a pocket steamed bread and soybean milk. He ran back again, and the man was just going to leave, and dad handed him the food, and he was happy to see it.


  Sit down and eat. Dad told me to help the people who needed help.



  Today, when I was testing Chinese, I suddenly saw my deskmate look at the right and look at him. I asked him softly, "do you have anything to do?"" He said, "my pencil is all rough."." I didn't hesitate to take the pencil out and say, "don't worry. I've got a pointed pencil. I'll lend you one."!" He said, "thank you."." I said, "thank you. It's good to help the students who are in trouble."."


  My mother often told me to be a pupil who was willing to help and care for classmates. Today, I feel happy and happy to help my classmates.
