


  As is shown in the first picture, a smartly-dressed boy is showing off to his classmate by saying that his father has given him 100 Yuan as pocket money. However, he is struck dumb when his shabbily-dressed classmate proudly announces that he has got full marks in an examination, which will be given to his father as a gift. Undoubtedly, anyone who pays attention to this dialogue will draw a moral from the pictures.

  Clearly, the purpose of the picture is to arouse our reflection on the question of what should be our aim or objective of our life in today’s society fueled by money and power. However, it’s not difficult to find that there are two strikingly different viewpoints on the life goal in our society now. Some people, like the arrogant boy in the picture, regard large fortune and dazzling appearance as the signs of success and hold the opinion that accumulating wealth is the ultimate object in life. On the contrary, others hold that a person’s value is measured by his achievements and contributions rather than his material wealth. Undoubtedly, those who have this kind of outlook on life will not only lead a fulfilling life, but also contribute to development of our society.

  In my opinion, an outstanding life is based on right outlook on life and right object of life. So, school education should bear the accountability to help the young generation shape a right outlook and establish a proper object. We should bear in mind that only in this way can we have a good life.

  (The two pictures above are trying to arouse our consideration about the aim in life by posing an interesting contrast.)


  The picture above tries to arouse our consideration about the relationship between wealth and happiness. In the first picture, a man is standing at the summit of a mountain named high salary; in the second picture, a magnate is imprisoned in a diamond cage. It seems that after accumulating a large fortune, they are both left at a loss.

  The picture reflects a social trend that in today’s society fueled by money and power, many people tend to equate money with happiness. Under such circumstances, it’s of great importance to explore the relationship between wealth and happiness. In the first place, we are living in a world where the idea that one can lead a good life without money is an illusion. So, to correlate the wealth and happiness is justified in a sense. In the second place, the equation of the money and happiness is dangerous, because this notion may not only lead us to forget many elements necessary to constitute a happy life, such as love, friendship, health, family and so on, but may also result in bad habits, such as drug-taking and gambling.

  In my opinion, we should never base our happiness on money, and should understand the definition of happiness. Rather than identifying money and happiness, we should regard happiness as a process in which we conquer hardship, we share joy with our friend, we enjoy the progress we achieve after an arduous journey, and at last, we gain mental satisfaction that cannot be purchased. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that only when we know what happiness is can we not only get joy, but also have a better life.

  (Undoubtedly, this view is questionable, and it’s necessary to analyse the consequences if we establish this equation.)

  (Happiness is more than joy without striving. Rather than equating the happiness with money, we should enjoy the process in which we obtain success, even if there are many difficulties in the way. Only when we know what happiness is and how we can lead a good life can we not only get happiness, but also have a better life.)


  As is shown in the picture, a candle with a book in hand is beaming brightly. On the face of it, it is a common cartoon because all candles radiate light after ignited, but the caption in the picture reminds us that it’s the knowledge learned from the book that makes the candle smile and shine.

  Clearly, the purpose of the picture is to show us the importance and benefit of reading, and to call on us to read more books. Undoubtedly, via reading, we can not only learn what mankind has achieved, but can also be greatly inspired to develop and innovate on the basis of existing knowledge, not to mention the encouragement and enlightenment provided by books which can be our guide in life. However, in today’s society fueled by money and power, many people dismiss reading classics and literature as useless or outdated, and take the accumulating money as their primary objective of life. However, those people holding this opinion will unavoidably miss much enjoyment, and their development may be hindered by their lack of knowledge.

  In my opinion, a fulfilling life is based on extensive knowledge, and knowledge can be derived only when we are devoted to reading. So, what’s the most important is that teachers, parents and media should join their efforts to help children recognize the importance of reading. We should bear in mind that only when reading becomes a habit shared by all of us can we have a bright future, and can we have a fulfilling life.

  (The importance of reading can be proven in the academic field, where new discoveries depend on researchers’ knowledge reserve and reading extent. A prime example to support my point is Max Horkheimer, a famous sociologist and philosopher last century. It’s inconceivable that he could write Culture Industry, a classic in which he criticizes the capitalist culture, without reading extensively. So, it’s my view that reading is of the utmost importance for people’s development.)


  The picture above presents to us a scene that may arouse our memory of childhood. As is shown in the picture, many pupils are watching TV news about the successful launch of Shenzhou-VIII, which is regarded as the symbol of our national strength and scientific competency. However, the teacher sitting beside them remarks that this brilliant feat is attributed to the innovative ability of our nation.

  Clearly, the purpose of the picture is to remind that innovative spirit is of the utmost importance not only for national development, but also for personal progress in the context of globalization and modernization, which lead to fierce competition both among nations and individuals. So, it’s necessary to explore the reasons why we should promote the spirit of innovation. In the first place, we are now living in a world where a nation’s overall strength is based on its innovative ability and technological competency, so it’s inconceivable that any nation can build up a substantial lead in the world without the spirit of innovation. In the second place, innovation is a prerequisite for the success of a company or individual. This truth can be proven by the accomplishment of Microsoft Corporation and Bill Gates, whose fame and asset can be owed to its and his innovation and originality.

  However, there is no denying the fact that as an emerging country, our nation’s innovative ability is limited compared with the developed countries, such as America, Japan and Germany. So, how to accelerate our nation’s advancement in the area of technology and innovation is a question which needs to be answered immediately. Obviously, the picture provides us with an effective means-that’s, teachers and parents should bear the accountability to help children establish the notion of innovation. Accordingly, we should bear in mind that only when all of us, especially the children, have the innovative spirit can our nation become prosperous in the future.

  (Undoubtedly, the spirit of innovation has its self-evident benefits. With the spirit of innovation, a country can build up a substantial lead in technology and economy, and then advance people’s living standard; with the spirit of innovation, a company can achieve its success, which can be proven by the accomplishment of Microsoft Corporation; with the spirit of innovation, a person can enjoy the competitive edge over his peers, and then realize the value of life.)
