



  Good Morning!

  MR. John Maddock, Ms. Jill Baird, Honored Guests, Colleagues and Students:


  We get together on this particular festival with enjoyment to celebrate the first graduation ceremony of the joint program between Hubei Communications Technical College and BoxHill TAFE Institute, and so we share the joy of graduation and the sentiment of leaving.


  Today is a very special day for the graduates since you’ve completed 3 years academic study, and will begin a whole new social and working life.


  Hereby, on behalf of our college, please allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on your success!


  Meanwhile, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude towards all the tutors and colleagues of both colleges!


  The year 2010 joint program graduates have made a great achievement under the great endeavors of both tutors and students:


  There are 55 graduates who have completed their academic study. Among them, 39 graduates have got TAFE Diploma of English, and 9 graduates have got TAFE Diploma of Chinese, it’s up to 87.3% of the total graduates who have got the recognize of both colleges. All of the graduates have got the job qualification certificate of Logistics. 98.2% of the graduates have passed National College English Test.


  I want to address that one particular graduate has passed the Band 6, and 16 of them have passed the Band 4. 5 of them are recognized as outstanding graduates. Meanwhile, our graduates have taken full advantage of their language learning to obtain an ideal job or further their study. 2 graduates are going to study in Canada and Australia separately.


  We will continuously promote our college for a better and faster development through positively introducing the high quality educational resources from overseas and accelerating the training of the high quality skilled talents who have the global vision.


  It’s impos

  sible to gain an advantage in international competition without international cooperation with advanced education, which is based on reference, learning and continuous innovation. We have accelerated educational development, innovation and improvement through communications and blending to the outside world.


  Therefore, our aim is to reform our educational concepts by using the advanced one; to reform the teaching method by using the new one, we advocate keeping pace with times and reforming the past, and closing the gap between traditional education and international education. This will be narrowed as we keep introducing the high quality educational resources with distinguished innovation, our teaching quality will be improved tremendously, and further promote the reform and the development of our college.


  In the near future, our development will under the guidance of Scientific Development Perspectives, centering on Constructing Administrative Ability. We aim to keep introducing the high quality education resources, creating an innovation system of education concepts in teaching and management methods. Base on the current cooperation program, and according to the principle of “strengthen the research in international educational cooperation, making solid progress with standardized the management and conducting a positive development”. We aim to deepen the international cooperation and communications, open up new joint programs, improve the education quality, and promote a wide-ranging, high level and future development of international educational cooperation. Foster the indigenous with high quality skilled talents who have the global vision.


  Dear graduates, you’re about to leave the campus, and begin a new journey of life. Before your leaving, as your mentor, I have some words to share with you:


  First of all, I hope you will put yourself in the proper position and have appropriate attitude towards your work.

  各位刚刚毕业、走向社会,伟大的事业等待着你们去开拓。“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。 书本上的知识总是有限的,而社会才是一个大课堂。

  Great undertaking is waiting for you, yet an old Chinese proverb tells us that “Book reading is never enough, a better understanding requires pr

  actice”. The knowledge on book is always limited; however, the society itself is a broad and inclusive classroom.


  I hope you could put yourself in the proper position, working from the grass roots, starting from the little things right under your noses, learning from others with humble reverence and studying in the practice with faithfulness. Learn to cultivate yourself in difficulties, to be earnest and honest, pursuing excellence in your job, perfecting yourself, dedicating to your work, striving for your future, facing the high and low tide in life optimistically and faithfully.


  What’s more, I hope you could stand high and aim far, and learn for the whole life.


  As Zhuang Tse, the ancient philosopher said “life is limited, but study is limitless.” Graduation should not be the end of study, but a beginning for a new stage.


  Some of you may choose to find a job, and some of you may further your study, but no matter what choice you’ve made, you’re facing an even tougher test of life and society.


  I sincerely hope that you’ll aim high and to be ambitious and positive, to be a person who is never give up to achieve your career goals and ideals.


  The study in college just laid a foundation of knowledge for your development, yet you still need to continuous your study in order to adapt to the improvement of the society and the development of Science and Technology, to integrate theories with practice, to optimize the structure of knowledge, therefore, you should foster the thought of life-long study, adapt to the tendency of updating knowledge with each passing day. You’ll achieve success for life only when you study for life, improve for life and making progress for life.


  Thirdly, I hope you can be honest and keeping promise, forging ahead to make progress.


  Confucius said that “I do not know how a man without truthfulness is to get on.”


  In recent years, credit crisis happens quite often which deviate from the norm. For you, who is about to step into a working position, honest is the foundation to start a career and to be successful.


  So, I hope you’ll remain in the forefront of the times, always conform to the norm of honesty, motivated by the eager of exploration of the truth and new knowledge. Ready to shoulder heavy tasks, dare to innovate to be the first above all competitors, fully display your talents in difficulties and hardships, dedicate to our country and society by using your wisdom.


  At last, I hope all the graduates will follow the motto of our college that “virtue valued with ambition determined, study earnestly with ability advocated”. To be a man who is willing to undertake the mission and industrious with work, You’ll writes the splendid bright life as you have high ideals and moral integrity, full of passion, and responsible.


  Please do remember, my dear graduates: Hubei Communications Technical College is always your spiritual home! You’re always welcomed to back home! You are the one that we are concerned about.



  Bon Voyage! & Thank you!
