How are you?教案设计及反思


How are you?教案设计及反思


  Unit2How are you?



  1、Teaching material:

  Students Book:Module1 Unit 2Activity1, 2, 3

  2、Teaching aim and demand

  Using Ability task: Using “hello”to greet others.


  How are you? I’m fine, and you? I’m fine, too.

  4、Teaching difficulties: Some words in picture 2 are difficult to know.

  5、Teaching aids

  Tape recorder,


  1、Warm up

  Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss

  2、导入 (Leading )

  (1)1 T:Hello hi I am ……

  Ss use “I am……” to talk about them.

  3、 T:Hello hi I am ……

  How are you? I’m fine

  4、 操练 ( Practice )

  S open their books, first look at the pictures and listen and point

  5、 巩固(consolidation)

  Teach a song “Hello Hello”


  Listen and point P5 and review the song




  Step1: Review the words and phrases.

  Step2: Teacher talks about the important structure

  Step3: Act out the dialogue show.

  Play the game: Do and guess.

  Do and say.

【How are you?教案设计及反思】相关文章:

1.《How Old Are You 》教学反思

2.《How tall are you》教学反思

3.How do you go there教学反思

4.《How do you go there》的教学反思

5.冀教版上《How are you》教学反思

6.《How do you feel》教学反思

7.有关《How old are you》教学反思

8.《How Do You Like This One》教学反思

上一篇:《An old man tried to move the mountains Section B -2b》教学下一篇:《I can do it very well》教案