



  一、 学习目标 Aims and demands

  1、Learn some new words and phrases;

  2、Learn the future tense with be going to

  二、 重点难点 Key points


  1、Are you going to play basketball?

  2、We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.

  3、Would you like to come and cheer us on?

  4、Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing?----I prefer rowing.

  5、Do you row much?----Yes, quite a bit / a lot. / No, seldom.

  三、 学法指导 How to study

  1、预习Unit 1 Topic1 Section A,并对语言点、难点做出标记;


  四、 自主预习


  1、have a basketball game against? ____________2、cheer us on ______________

  3、prefer rowing ________________ 4、quite a bit / a lot____________

  5、join the school rowing club______________ 6、be going to?______________

  五、 知识链接 Hot links

  1、【课文原句】Are you going to play basketball?

  译文________________________________________________. 【分析点拨】be going to的用法

  ⑴ be going to是一种固定结构,后面要接动词原形,用来表示按计划或安排要发生的 动作, 有时也可以表示推测将要或肯定会发生的动作,有―准备;打算‖的意思。含有be going


  We _____ going to ________ a class meeting this afternoon.今天下午我们打算开班会。(安排)

  Look at the black clouds. It ________ going to ________.看那些乌云,快要下雨了。(推测)

  ⑵ be going to在肯定句中的形式

  be going to结构中的助动词be很少用原形,它一般有三种形式,即:am , is , are。当主语是I



  I ______________________something tomorrow morning.明天早上我要去买些东西。 She ________________________Mr. Wang tomorrow. 她打算明天去看望王先生。

  ⑶含be going to的句子变否定句和一般疑问句的变法

  由于句子中有助动词be,因此be going to的否定句和一般疑问句的构成很容易,即在be (am,

  is, are)的后面加上_______就构成了否定句;把_______放到句首,在句末加问号就构成了一般疑问句,其答语为:Yes,主语+ am/is/are. / No,主语+ isn't/aren't. / No, I'm not.不过 I am...在改为一般疑问句时常常改为―Are you ....?‖。例如:

  They are going to see the car factory next week. (肯定句)

  They ___________________________ the car factory next week. (否定句) -----__________________________ the car factory next week?

  -----Yes, _______________. (No, _______________.) (一般疑问句及其回答)

  2、【课文原句】I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.


  see sb do sth 看见某人做某事,表示看见某人某动作行为的'经常性、习惯性发生。


  I see him go to school very early every Monday morning.




  【拓展】see sb doing sth 表示―看见某人正在做某事‖。如:

  I saw my sister doing her homework in her study just now.




  see 属于感官动词,常用的感官动词还有:hear, watch,notice等等。

  3、【课文原句】Would you like to come and cheer us on?


  cheer sb on ( 以欢呼 )激励某人,为??加油,喝彩,向??欢呼。如:

  My friends cheered their favourite singers on. 翻译:________________________.

  We will cheer on our school football team next Sunday.


  【拓展】cheer sb up 使某人振作或高兴起来,如:

  I will try to cheer him up. 翻译:________________________________.

  Oh, come on! Cheer up! 翻译:________________________________.

  4、【课文原句】I hope our team will win. 译文:_______________________________.


  hope to do sth 如:我希望很快见到你。译文:____________________________.

  hope + that从句,that可省略。如:I hope (that) she will get fine.


  【点拨】win 赢得(比赛,战争等) 过去式为won,名词形式为 winner (胜利者)

  5、【课文原句】I prefer rowing. 译文:_______________________________.

  【分析点拨】prefer 更喜欢,相当于like?better prefer的过去式为preferred

  1. prefer+名词,如: ——Which do you prefer, meat or fish?-----I prefer meat.


  2. prefer+动名词,如:

  Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating out?译文:______________________________ -----Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?

  -----Yes, but I prefer _________.喜欢,但我更喜欢划船。

  3. prefer+不定式,如:

  I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我喜欢在家里度周末。

  4. prefer A to B


  I prefer _________ to _________. 在狗与猫之间我更喜欢狗。

  Most people prefer ________ to ________.大多数人愿意坐火车而不愿坐汽车。

  I prefer ___________ at home to ___________ out.我觉得在家里比出去好。

  6、【课文原句】Are you going to join the school rowing club? 译文:___________________________________________

  join 作―参加,加入‖讲时,一般指参加某一组织、团体或某群人。如:

  join the Party_______________ join the army____________________

  还有就是join in 作―参加,加入‖讲时,一般指参加某项活动,如:

  join in the search_____________ join in a game ___________________

  六、目标检测 Practice


  1、________________________ 2、________________________

  3、________________________ 4、________________________




  1. Do you swim much?----Yes, quite a b________.

  2. Which do you p_______, bananas or oranges?

  3. Which team are you going to play a____________?

  4. Tom would like to c________ me on, so I am very happy.

  5. They all hope their basketball game will w________ the game.

  B) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

  1. Maria prefers __________ (cycle).I prefer swimming.

  2. I often see Michael____________(read) books in the library.

  3. ____________(skate) is her favorite sport.

  4.We are very excited(激动的), because our team ________ win the game yesterday.

  5. She is going to _________ (join) the school ballet club.


  Frank: Which do you prefer, swimming or skating?


  Frank: Me, too. Do you skate much?


  Frank: What‘s your favorite sport?

  Sam: Football. What about you?

  Frank: Sam: Who is your favorite player?

  Frank: Yao Ming.

  Sam: Ronaldo.

  Frank: Don‘t miss it!

  七、课外作业 (完型填空)

  Jimmy lives in London and he began to swim a few months ago. He swimming, and he

  often goes to the swimming pool near his with his mother and swims there for or two.

  One day his mother said, ―You quite well now. And you want to see the sea, don‘t you?

  Your father and I are going to you there on Sunday, and you are going to swim in the It‘s not cold now, and it‘s much nicer than a swimming pool.‖

  Jimmy‘s parents took him the sea in their on Sunday. They at the side

  of a small harbor(港口). Jimmy got out and looked at the sea for a long time, but he was not very ―Which is the shallow(浅的) end(部分)?‖

  ( ) 1.A. likes B. studies C. started D. is

  ( ) 2. A. school B. house C. library D. London

  ( ) 3. A. a day B. a minute C. an hour D. a year

  ( ) 4. A. swims B. swim C. swam D. swimming

  ( ) 5. A. take B. bring C. get D. put

  ( ) 6. A. lake B. sea C. river D. swimming pool

  ( ) 7. A. in B. at C. to D. on

  ( ) 8. A. bus B. bike C. train D. car

  ( ) 9. A. lived B. stopped C. stored D. stop

  ( ) 10. A. happy B. hungry C. angry D. well











上一篇:必修五重点短语与句子汇总下一篇:牛津1AM3U2《In the fruit shop》说课稿