



  ----War and Peace--The D-Day Landings (Module 6, Book 6)

  Lecturer: Ji Yun

  School: Qingdao No.2 Middle School

  Place: Lecture Theater

  (Room 417, Fourth Floor, Teaching Building )

  Time: Dec. 16th, 20xx


  Teaching Aims:

  Help the students learn more about World War II.

  Have a deep understanding of the significance of the D-Day Landings as well as the importance of world peace.

  Improve the students' reading comprehension ability.

  Type of Lesson:

  a reading comprehensive lesson

  Teaching Aids: Multimedia

  Teaching Methods: Task based method

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 、 Lead-in (9')

  1. Show war logo, anti-war logo and peace logo to the students. (1')

  Get two representatives of two groups to do presentations, talking about1) World War II2) the D-Day Landings. (6')

  Summarize the D-Day glossary. (2')

  Allies: Countries that fought against the Axis Powers.

  Allied Expeditionary Force (AEF): under the command of General Eisenhower. Twelve nations supplied troops and material for it, including the United States , Canada , France , and the United Kingdom .

  Axis Powers: The alliance of Germany , Italy , and Japan .

  Operation Overlord: code name for the military operation in 1944 to invade France .

  D-Day / H-Hour: The terms D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which an attack or operation is to be launched. "D" for the day of the invasion and "H" for the hour the operation actually begins.

  D-Day landings: D-Day Invasion or Invasion of Normandy

  Step 2 、 Reading (26')

  Passage 1 (10')

  Listen to the tape with books closed (2')

  Discuss with your partners and answer the questions about passage 1: (4')

  What event started the Second World War?

  What was the purpose of Operation Overlord?

  What nationality were the troops taking part in the landing?

  Where was the most dangerous place to land?

  Show a map of the landings to the students. (4')

  Passage 2 (9')

  fast reading (2')

  Choose the correct endings to the sentences. (2')

  When the Germans started firing at the boats, _____ .

  the boats were so far from the beach that they weren't hit.

  The boat were one kilometer from the beach.

  When Boat 5 was hit by a shell, ______ .

  everyone was killed.

  most of the men were rescued from the water.

  The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because ______ .

  their backpacks were too heavy.

  The water was too deep.

  Six men tried to climb up the cliff and ______ .

  some of them managed to reach the top

  all of them reached the top.

  Two of the soldiers from Able Company ______ .

  stayed on the beach.

  Met some other soldiers.

  Watch the beginning part of the anti-war film: Saving Private Ryan, which describes the bravery and heroism of the D-Day Landings. (5')

  Passage 3 (7')

  Fast reading (2')

  Ex: Fill in the missing words (2')

  On the 6th June 2004 , ______ of the D-Day Landings from different countries returned to ______ to remember their lost comrades. They went to the _____ and ______ which are ______ on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel , from where the boats ______ their landings.

  Show the related pictures of the cemetery and memorial as well as the poem. (1')

  Invite one of the students to read part of the poem with emotion. (2')

  Step 3 、 Post reading (4')

  Get the representative of the last group to do presentation, talking about the 60th anniversary of end of World War II.

  Step 4 、 Discussion& Summary(5')

  1. Discuss: What can we learn from the passage?

  2. Summary: We need peace and we don't want war to build a more stable and harmonious society and world.

  Step 5 、 Assignment

  1. Read the quotations about war and peace on Page 51.

  Discussion: Shall we choose war?

  2. Finish the exercises in the reading part.

  案例分析 :




  第三篇是关于诺曼底登陆 60 周年纪念的内容,除了通过练习理解了短文的内容之外,主要通过文中提到的那首诗的处理来挖掘出同学们的情感世界,有助于深化本课的主题。经过一层层的铺垫,引出本课的主题 --- 建立稳定和谐的世界

  然后谈一下这节课的设计理念。我认为第六模块有这样几个特点: 1 、信息量大 2 、跨学科的特点很明显 3 、人文特色很浓。结合新课标的要求和理念,我在这节课的准备和实施中,力求体现以下几种新课标的理念

  1 .采用学生自主探究和合作学习的模式,引导学生主动学习,鼓励他们通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的'综合语言技能。锻炼他们用英语获取信息、处理信息和传达信息的能力。主要做法是:针对本课文章背景丰富,涵盖的信息量大,跨学科的内容多这些特点,提前几天在班中布置探究学习任务,学生可根据兴趣爱好自愿组合。我在认真研究教材后,选取所需的内容让学生去搜集,调查。根据三段文章的内容,我布置了三个题目,二战、诺曼底登陆和反法西斯六十周年纪念,以便更好的为课堂服务,又不脱离主题。学生在准备的过程中可以利用各种学习资源完成这一学习任务,可以自由发挥但必须为主题服务,这也要求学生在准备之前,有必要对课文进行预习,把握好课文的主题 .

  2. 体现多元化的教学活动类型。

  1 )探究活动。将学生分成小组,运用英语完成一个具体的任务。比如,本课中三组学生分别完成的二战、诺曼底登陆和反法西斯胜利的介绍。

  2 )合作学习活动。本课中学生分组选择某一专题, 并针对该专题收集图片和信息,采用展览的形势向全班同学汇报展出。

  3 )即兴发言与讨论。本课中提出 What can we learn from the passage? 这一问题,引导学生即兴发表个人的见解或意见。

  3 .有意识的培养学生的情感态度。本课的人文色彩很浓,抓住本课话题的这一特点,通过多种课堂活动,形成祖国意识、拓展国际视野,培养正确的世界观。比如:通过大量二战信息的呈现,了解和熟悉历史;通过电影片断的欣赏,再现战争的残酷;通过诗歌鉴赏,体会世界人民痛恨战争、渴望和平的美好愿望。









