小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 《My Friends》教师优秀教案


  Part A Let’s talk


  1知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说What’s his name ? His name is……用He has ……….来介绍自身的朋友,并能熟练运用。

  (2)能听、说、认读单词:Chinese photo he’s his has.








  1句型What’s his name ? His name is ….. He has ……..







  1Step1 Warming up

  (1)Sing a song :Head should knees and toes.复习身体部位的单词。

  (2)认读单词卡片:long hair short hair strong thin.

  Step2 Revision

  (1) 课件出现大眼睛和小眼睛,引导同学用He has…….说出big eyes和 small eyes。

  (2) 课件出现黑头发和黄头发,用What colour are they?引出black hair 和 yellow hair。

  (3) 说出下列词语的反义词和相对词。

  Big----small , short----long , thin----strong , black----white ……..

  Step3 Presentation

  (1) 课件出示两组照片一组是Zhang Peng 和Wu Yifan,另一组是John 和 Mike。

  T:Where is Zhang Peng from ?

  S: He is from China .

  T: Yes. He is a Chinese boy. 跟读Chinese boy。

  (2)问题引出Zhang Peng . Who’s John’s friend? Guess.

  T:He has short black hair. He has big eyes. He is tall. He is strong, too.

  S:He’s Zhang Peng.

  (3)Took! This is his photo.重复,同时拿出照片,协助理解意思,跟读。出示多张同班同学照片。

  T: I have many photos. They are my friends. What’s his name. 引导同学用“His name is …..”回答。

  (4)T: John has a Chinese friend. He is Zhang Peng . He will tell his mother.



  Step 4 Consolidasion


  (1) It is white and black, it likes eating bamboons. Who is it?

  (2) It is tall, it has long neck and legs. Who is it?

  (3) It has two long ears and big eyes. It can jump. Who is it?

  (4) It looks likes a tiger, but not a tiger. It likes catch mice, and it likes eating fish. Who is it?

  Step 5 Home work

  Draw a picture of your friends, then describe it.

  Blackboard designing :

  He has……

  What’s his name? His name is ……..

上一篇:四年级下册Lesson10《First,Second,Third》的优秀教案下一篇:四年级下册英语《How Many Do I Have?》优秀教案