

  Teaching Ais(教学目标):

  1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:earth, frest , cean ,

  land, part, rubbish , s an


  We shuld stp cutting dwn s an trees.


  Teaching Iprtances and Difficulties (教学重难点):



  Teaching Tls(教学用具):


  Teaching Prcedures(教学过程):

  StepⅠ.War up and revisin(热身与复习)

  1.Sing a sng.

  2. D se waring-up exercises.

  Step Ⅱ.Presentatin and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)

  1. Lead in.

  T: L! What is it?

  Ss: It’s earth.

  T: What’s n the Earth? What d u see?

  Ss: I see frest. / I see land./ I see ceans.

  T: es. Tda we are ging t learn re abut the Earth.

  2. As and answer.

  T: What d u nw abut the Earth?

  Ss: We get wd fr trees. We get fruit fr trees.

  T: What d we use wd fr?

  S1: The Earth is rund.

  S2: There are anials, peple and plants.

  3. Learn t sa and use the wrds.

  The students sa and spell the wrds.

  4. Watch the cartn and tal abut the Earth.

  T: What are the green parts?

  Ss: The are frests.

  T: Hw abut the brwn parts?

  Ss: It’s land.

  T: What’s wrng with the Earth nw? Read this dialgue again and tr t find the answer.

  S1: The Earth was clean, but nw se parts are dirt.

  T: What shuld we d t help the Earth?

  Ss: We shuld eep the Earth clean.

  5. The pupils read the text carefull. And then tr t d se exercises.

  Step Ⅳnslidatin(拓展延伸)

  Act ut the dialgues in grups.
