


  Elephant Shot By Poachers Seeks Help At Safari Lodge, Waits 6 Hours For Vet To Arrive大象受到偷猎者袭击,自行去园区小屋寻求救助,等待兽医达6小时

  IF you need further proof that elephants are highly-intelligent animals, this is it.如果你还需要更多的证据来证明大象是高智商动物,那么请看这里:

  Ben, an injured bull elephant - thought to be 30-years-old - gave staffers at the Bumi Hills Safari Lodge in Kariba, Zimbabwe the surprise of their lives when he appeared to ask for help.本是一只受伤的公象,据说有30岁,它的求助行为,让Bumi Hills野生动物园(位于津巴布韦的卡里巴)工作的员工大为惊讶。

  From the start it was clear to manager Nick Milne that something wasn't right, as the animal had a significant limp and appeared to be wounded.从一开始,经理Nick Milne就发现事情有些不对劲,因为这只动物有明显的跛行,似乎是受伤了。

  Unfortunately, the in-house vet had left for the weekend so they were unable to tell the full extent of his injuries. The lodge got the word out, and another vet kindly volunteered to fly 320km from the capital to help the elephant.不幸的是,园区内的兽医周末不在场,所以他们并没有办法诊断出伤势的程度。小屋把消息传出去之后,另一个好心的兽医自愿从距离这里320km的首都乘飞机过来帮助大象。

  When the vet arrived Ben was tranquilized and it was then a large wound in his shoulder was discovered, along with two bullet holes in his ear — injuries thought to be from a poacher's bullet sustained in a separate incident. The vet and workers were able to clean and disinfect Ben's wound and administer a tracking collar to monitor his recovery.当兽医来到时,他给本注射的.镇定剂。随后在它肩上发现了一个大伤口,耳朵里还有两个弹孔,这应该是遭遇到偷猎者不同次的袭击。兽医和工人为本的伤口进行了清理和消毒,并用一个跟踪项圈,来监测它的康复。

  "The wound itself is still weeping but the swelling has subsided and it seems to be healing well," Bumi Hills Foundation shared on Facebook.Bumi Hills基金会在脸谱网上分享道“伤口还有渗液,但肿胀已经消退,这似乎表明愈合良好。

  While Ben's road to recovery will be a long one it wouldn't have been possible without his courageous, quick thinking.虽然本的康复之路会很漫长,但他至少可以活下去了,而这都多亏了他那大胆、敏捷的思维。

  Nick Milne told News24: "Logic would suggest that if an animal has an injury that considerably hampers its mobility, it would not attempt the climb and would rather stay on the level ground near water."Nick Milne对 News24记者说道:“按照正常逻辑,如果动物受伤了,而且伤重到会妨碍它的行动,它不会尝试长途跋涉,而是宁愿呆在水边的平地上。”

  The Bumi Hills Foundation added that they are confident that Ben will survive.Bumi Hills基金会相信本会活下来的。









