英语诗歌欣赏:I Think My Dad is Dracula


英语诗歌欣赏:I Think My Dad is Dracula

  I think my dad is Dracula.

  I know that sounds insane,

  but listen for a moment and

  allow me to explain.

  We don't live in a castle,

  and we never sleep in caves.

  But, still, there's something weird

  about the way my dad behaves.

  I never see him go out

  in the daytime when it's light.

  He sleeps all day till evening,

  then he leaves the house at night.

  He comes home in the morning

  saying, "Man, I'm really dead!"

  He kisses us goodnight, and then

  by sunrise he's in bed.

  My mom heard my suspicion

  and she said, "You're not too swift.

  Your father's not a vampire.

  He just works the graveyard shift."

【英语诗歌欣赏:I Think My Dad is Dracula】相关文章:

1.I think I can 我认为我能行的英语诗歌

2.英语诗歌I miss you, my friend

3.I think it was really a bad day英语日记

4.My best friend and I英语作文

5.人物英语作文:My friend and I

6.英语作文250字:My friend and I


8.My Parents and I作文

上一篇:小学英语作文:我能行 I Can下一篇:拿破仑的经典名言94句