



  1.故人西辞黄鹤楼,_________________________。(  )

  2. _________________________,明月何时照我还。(  )

  3. _________________________,遍插茱萸少一人。(  )

  4. _________________________,笑问客从何处来。(  )

  5. _________________________,家祭无忘告乃翁。(  )






  In the old days,in London,the smog was very thick. Car and bus drivers 1 to drive very slowly they could 2 see the.road in front of them even during the daytime. People did not like going out in the smog. 3 they had to go out,they wore smog masks over their faces.

  In December 1952,a very, 4 dark cloud came down over.London.It was the 5 smog Londoners had ever had. 6 of it was bad factory smoke. Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. But many more people became unhealthy.The smog was very 7 for old people and children.One man said,"The streets were almost 8 because people stayed at home as much as possible.The air was very thick,and you could almost cut it with a knife."

  After three weeks,the smog began to 9 .But in the following weeks and months,over 4000 people died as a 10 of the smog.

  ( )1 A.hurried B.stayed C. had D.minded

  ( )2. A.already B.easily C.luckily D. hardly

  ( )3 A.If B.So C.Though D.Whether

  ( )4. A.thin B.thick C.light D.clear

  ( )5. A.furthest B.hottest C.worst D.nicest

  ( )6. A. Much B.Many C.Few D. A few

  ( )7. A. quiet B.dangerous C.favorite D.weak

  ( )8. A.busy B.empty C.enjoyable D.dirty

  ( )9. A.arrive B.shine C.forget D.lift

  ( )10. A.beginning B.part C.usual D.result
