





  1、 h_____ work 中文_______________

  A: orse B: ouse C: owse

  2、 j____p 中文_______________

  A: am B: um C: om

  3、 cl_____ 中文_______________

  A: other B: othess C:othes

  4、 m_____ning 中文_______________

  A: or B: er C: ir

  5、 l_____on 中文_______________

  A: ear B: ess C:ist


  1、What are your doing? I’m doing exercise.

  A________B__________ C___________

  2、Lucy and Lili is at home..

  A________B__________ C___________

  3、How many are they ? Twenty yuan..

  A________B__________ C___________

  4、Can you playing football? Yes, I can.

  A________B__________ C___________

  5、The telephones are ring.

  A________B__________ C___________

  三、 英汉短语互译。

  1、扫地_______________ 2、洗衣服_______________

  3、帮助我做数学_______________ 4、做蛋糕_______________

  5、今天上午 _______________ 6、clean the windows_______________

  7、do my homework _______________ 8、at home_______________

  9、read an English book _______________

  10、listen to music_______________


  1. 刘涛在哪儿?他在卧室。

  _____________Liu Tao? He’s the bedroom.


  What he doing? He’s____________.

  2. 苏阳和苏海在哪儿?她们在教室里。

  _______________Su Yang and Su Hai? _____________in the classroom.

  3. 她们在干什么?她们又唱又跳 。

  What are__________doing? Su Yang and Su Hai are ___________and__________.


  1、 What are you doing ? I’m .

  A: run B: runing C: running

  2、Where’s John? .

  A: He’s sleeping. B: She’s sleeping. C: He’s sleep.

  3、Do you like model planes? Yes, I do. I’m now.

  A: make, make B: making, making C: making ,make

  4、 Betty is the picture in the study.

  A: looking at. B: look at C: watching at

  5、 Hello, is that Wang Bing? .

  A: Yes, this is Wang Bing. B:Yes, I am. C: Yes. I’m Wang Bing.

  6、There are many balloons the apple tree. .

  A: at B: on C: in

  7、What can you do ,Sally? I can a bike.

  A: ride. B: ride on C: riding on.




  3、两罐鸡肉______________ 4、一只旧的望远镜______________

  5、一盒巧克力 ______________6、一篮水果______________

  7、a brown blanket ______________8、near the tent______________

  9、a new towel______________ 10、behind the stove______________


  1、I have______old tent.

  A: a B: an C: the

  2、What does________have?

  A: Jim B: they C: you

  3、You___________some oranges, and he__________one.

  A: has, has B: have, has C: have. have

  4、What do__________-have?

  A: There B: Yang Ling C: They

  5、________does mike have? He________-a stove.

  A: Which, has B: What, have C: What, has


  1、does, Sam, what, have (? )


  2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (.)


  3、have, they, some, towels, nice (.)


  4、Tom’s, does, have, friend, what (?)


  5、some, picture, they, some, have (.)



  Ted is twelve years old. He has z little dog. It is a present(礼物) from his parents. Ted likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Luck(幸运). Luck is white. It has two big eyes. It likes playing with Ted. Every Sunday, Ted takes Luck to the park. They have a good time there.

  ( )1. Luck is twelve years old.

  ( )2. Ted likes the present from his parents..

  ( )3. Luck’s eyes are big.

  ( )4. Luck doesn’t likes playing with Ted.

  ( )5. Every Sunday, Ted goes to the park with Luck.



  ( )1. fridge tiger

  ( )2. red vest

  ( )3. chess she

  ( )4. stove open

  ( )5. mouth thank

  ( )6. shape stand


  1.看报纸____________________ 2.在图书馆_____________________

  3.做家务____________________ 4.扫地_________________________

  5.和他们一起玩______________ 6.坐在帐篷附近_________________

  7. make a New Year card____________ 8. help each other_________________

  9. at an Art lesson__________________ 10. some red flowers______________


  bedroom day make lesson family each other evenings join

  1. It is the first of the new year (年).

  2. There is a in the house.

  3. They are having a Music , now.

  4. He can a puppet.

  5 . Ben and his are in the sitting-room.

  6. In the we watch TV.

  7. They are playing basketball in the playground. I’ll go and them.

  8. They are showing their things to .


  1.What is the sun?

  A. shape B colour C time


  A.What are you doing? B.Where are you going? C.What’s your name?


  A .Excuse me. B.Can I help you? C.You’re welcome.


  A. Are you free now? B. What are you doing now? C. How are you ?

  5. How much are they?

  A. Here you are B. Eighty yuan, please. C. Here’s your change.

  6.Show how to play the violin.

  A we B our C us

  7. are back at school.

  A. All the students B. All student C. All the student

  8. -Is there a map of the world on the wall? -

  A.Yes,there is. B.No, there is. C. Yes, there isn’t.

  9.There is elephant in the zoo.

  A. a B. an C. /

  10. There aren’t pictures.

  A. a B. any C. some

  11. -Can you sing the song? -

  A.Yes,we can. B.No,we can C.Yes,we can’t

  12.- -I can dance.

  A.What do you do? B. What can you do? C.What you can do?

  13.Can you .

  A. piano B. play the piano C.play piano

  14 - do you need? -Some masks,please.

  A.Else what B.What else C.what else.

  15. me,please.

  A. listen B. Listen C.Listen to

  16.They would like for a Halloween party.

  A.to buy things B. buy things C.buying things

  17.-What are you doing? -I’m .

  A. doing my homework B. do my homework C.does my homework.

  18.Can you help me my Maths?

  A.of B. with C.to

  19. The children are a camping site.

  A. at B.on C.of

  20.Xiao Hong a lot of apples.

  A. have B. is C.has


  1.are you what doing ( ? )


  2. is a stove there camping site at the ( . )


  3. can sing the you song ( . )


  4. what they have do ( ? )


  5.is behind what door the ( ? )


  6. shape what it is ( ?)


  六、阅读短文,判断下列 是否与短文意思相符,用T表示相符,用F 表示不相符

  Hello, I’m Su Yang. Look, this is my house. There are two bedrooms. a bathroom. ,a study, a kitchen and a large sitting room. Beside the house, there’s a garden. In the garden, there are a lot of red flowers. My parents like red flowers. You can see four big trees beside the house. A swing is between the two apple trees. My sister, Su Hai, and I like playing on the swing.

  ( )1.There are six rooms in my house.

  ( )2.There is a garden beside my house.

  ( )3.My brother likes red flowers.

  ( )4.My sister and I like playing the piano.

  ( )5.There is a swing behide my house .









