


  I. Phrase Translation

  1. 多边合作:multilateral cooperation

  2. 可持续发展:sustainable development

  3. 试行阶段:pilot phase

  4. 应急计划: contingency plan

  5. 污水处理: sewage treatment

  6. 全球变暖: global warming

  7. 新闻发布会: press conference; news briefing

  8. 市场占有率: share of market; market share

  9. 研发中心: RD center ( research and development center )

  10. 跨国犯罪: transnational crime

  11. 企业文化: enterprise culture ; corporate culture

  12. 八国峰会: G8 summit ; Group 8 Summit

  13. 数字鸿沟: digital divide

  14. 危害品贩运: drug trafficking

  15. 国有企业: state-owned enterprise

  16. brand loyalty: 品牌忠诚度

  17. corporate governance: 公司治理;企业管治

  18. corporate social responsibility: 企业社会责任

  19. proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: 大规模杀伤性武器扩散

  20. global sourcing: 全球采购

  21. HSBC: 汇丰银行(Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation)

  22. carbon trading: 碳交易;碳贸易

  23. deforestation: 滥伐森林; 森林砍伐; 滥砍滥伐

  24. due diligence: 尽职调查

  25. code of conduct: 行为准则;行为规范

  26, market positioning: 市场定位

  27. cradle of human civilization: 人类文明发源地

  28. anti-dumping measures: 反倾销措施

  29. time to market: 上市时间; 上市时机(一个新产品从构思到实际推入市场所用的时间)

  30. alternative energy: 替代能源;可替代能源

  II. Passage translation

  Section A Chinese to English

  广交会品牌展区是鼓励和引导企业转变外贸发展方式的重要示范平台。为进一步优化出口产 品结构,推动外贸企业转型,本届广交会重新开展了品牌展区企业评审和品牌展位安排工作,并对品牌展区作适度扩容,设展位数10447个,占总展位的18.63。共有1442家企业进入品牌展 区,比上一届增加77家。此外,本届还在细化优化展览现场服务、完善参展商和釆购商个性化服 务、提升餐饮服务水平、强化对特装布展施工单位的资质认证及现场管理等方面作了改进和完善。 来自法国、美国、丹麦、芬兰、日本、新西兰等6个国家的11.絮跨国企业将进驻广交会跨国采购 服务区。


  Brand Gallery of the Canton Fair serves as an important platform to encourage and lead the enterprises to change the mode of foreign trade development. To further optimize the structure of export products and promote the transformation of foreign trade enterprises, we will re-launch the assessment of exhibitors and the arrangement of the Brand Gallery at this session. We make moderate expansion of the Brand Gallery. It accomodates 10,447 stands totally, taking up 18.6% of the total stands. There are 1,442 enterprises in the Gallery, 77 more than that of the last session.

  In addition, the Canton Fair has seen adjustments and improvements in terms of exhibition on-site services, tailored services for exhibitors and buyers, catering services, qulification authentication and on-site exhibition management of contractors of costume-built stands and etc. 11 multinationals from France, America, Denmark, Finland, Japan and New Zealand participate in the Multinational Sourcing Service of the Canton Fair.

  Section B English to Chinese

  On Not Winning the Nobel Prize (Excerpt)

  By Doris Lessing

  We have a treasure-house of literature, going back to the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans. It is all there, this wealth of literature, to be discovered again and again by whoever is lucky enough to come upon it. A treasure. Suppose it did not exist. How impoverished, how empty we would be.

  We own a legacy of languages, poems, histories, and it is not one that will ever be exhausted. It is there, always.

  We have a bequest of stories, tales from the old storytellers, some of whose names we know, but some not. The storytellers go back and back, to a clearing in the forest where a great fire burns, and the old shamans dance and sing, for our heritage of stories began in fire, magic, the spirit world. And that is where it is held, today.

  The storyteller is deep inside every one of us. The stoiy-maker always with us. Let us suppose our world is ravaged by war, by the horrors that we all of us easily imagine. Let us suppose floods wash through our cities, the seas rise. But the storyteller will be there, for it is our imaginations which shapes us, keep us,create us一for good and for ill. It is our stories that will recreate us, when we are tom, hurt, even destroyed. It is the storyteller, the dream-maker, the myth-maker, that is our phoenix, which represents us at our best, and at our most creative.





  讲故事的人,深藏在我们每个人的内心。编故事的人,始终伴随着我们。让我们展开想象吧,我们的世界正在受到战争的蹂躏,处在我们不难想象的恐怖的威胁之下。让我们展开想象吧,洪水淹没城镇,海水呼啸上涨 但是,讲故事的人会出现在那里,因为塑造了保存了创造了我们的,正是我们的.想象 ──不管是好是怀,都是我们的想象。在我们被撕裂、被伤害甚至被摧毁的时候,将重塑我们的,是我们的故事,是讲故事的人。讲故事的人,是编造梦幻的人,编造神话的人。他们就像是浴火重生的不死鸟,代表着我们最优秀和最具创造力的那一部分。










