


  I. Fill in the blanks according phonetic symbols.(看音标写单词)5%

  1. I am a ___________________ / /, I can answer the phone and type letters.

  2. An ___________________ / / worker drives sick people to the hospital.

  3. Postmen can ___________________/ / letters and parcels.

  4. Many buildings in Shanghai are under ___________________ / /.

  5. Policemen came to the scene of the ___________________ / / quickly.

  II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):15%

  ( )1. Two fishermen said they had ever seen_______ UFO.

  A. the B. / C. a D. an

  ( )2.Ben fell off the bicycle and he ___.

  A. is hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. hurt

  ( )3.That is a ___ window.

  A. breaking B. broken C. broke D. break

  ( )4.Her job was ___ care of children in the past.

  A. take B. took C. to take D. taking

  ( )5.The news both excited and worried ___.

  A. l B. me C .mine D. my

  ( )6.Mr Wang is a(an) _____ and he draws plans of buildings.

  A. architect B. mechanic C. engineer D. painter

  ( )7.My school is the same size ________ their school and they are both beautiful.

  A. like B. to C. as D. than

  ( )8.Tim saw a 100-yuan note on the ground on his way ________.

  A. to home B. back to home C. come back home D. home

  ( )9. _____ do you have your class meetings? Once a month.

  A. How often B. How long

  C. How many D. How much

  ( )10.There is going to______ a new film on.

  A. has B. have C. is D. be

  ( )11. Tim has two friends, one is _____ , the other is from_____ .

  A. Australian, Japanese B. Australia, Japan

  C. Australian, Japan D. Australia, Japanese

  ( )12. The dish tastes ______.

  A. wonderfully B. badly C. delicious D. nicely

  ( )13. Many people enjoy _____ for the 'Expo' without money.

  A. to work B. working

  C. work D. to working

  ( )14. We are looking for someone who ________others.

  A. care for B. take care C. cares for D. take care

  ( )15. We saw a young lady ________ the newspaper in the street yesterday..

  A. sells B. sold C. selling D. to sell

  III. Completer the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的`适当形式完成下列句子) :5%

  1. Mr Ma has a__________(bake) in a busy street

  2. The fruit ________are always very busy.(sell)

  3. That ________drives so fast.(motorcycle)

  4. He works for a________ company.(move)

  5. People should be kind to animals and take good _____ of sick animals. (careful)

  IV. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms.(动词的适当形式填空)(5%)

  1. Linda saw a boy______ (study) in the library.

  2. Finally, John ______(take) the little boy home yesterday.

  3. Tom ______(finish) his work next week.

  4. He ______( be) to Japan four times.

  5. The bus driver ______( drive) quickly when the light was green.

  V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):10%

  1. Peter read some books.(改为否定)

  Peter _______ ________ any books.

  2. Betty is twelve years old. Simon is twelve years old, too. (句意相同)

  Betty is the _____ _____ as Simon.

  3. Did you take any photos in England?(改为肯定句)

  I _______ ______ photos in England.

  4. Ben got up early to catch the early bus(划线部分提问)

  _______ _______ Ben get up early?

  5. Mr Wang is an architect. (划线部分提问)

  _______ does Mr Wang ________?









